If you follow the stock market, you might be wondering which companies to invest in. Lululemon seems to be doing quite well for a retail company and may potentially grow in the future. But to buy stocks, a company must be publicly traded.
So, is Lululemon a public or private company? If you’d like to find out, read on for more useful facts regarding this subject!
Is Lululemon a Publicly Traded Company in 2024?
Lululemon is publicly traded in 2024. Instead of being owned by one person or group, Lululemon’s ownership is organized in stocks held by shareholders. While the company was initially owned and founded by Chip Wilson, it went public in 2007. This means the public can now buy and sell shares of Lululemon stocks.
If you’re looking to invest in Lululemon, you should learn as much as possible about the company. Keep reading to know when Lululemon went public and who its primary investors are today!
Is Lululemon a Private or Public Company?
Lululemon is a public company.
A private company is owned by its founders or a small group of investors. In contrast, a public company has sold its ownership in shares or stocks to the public.
Founded in 1998, Lululemon was originally a private company owned by its founder, Chip Wilson.
However, Lululemon is now a public company as of 2007 with multiple shareholders. Starting off private and becoming public is typical of a company of this size.
What Was Lululemon’s IPO?
Lululemon’s IPO was priced at $18 per share.
An IPO is an initial public offering. When a company goes public, the IPO is the first stock price issued for that company.
Investors initially suspected prices to be around $11. While the IPO was higher than investors initially expected, it proved very successful for both Lululemon and shareholders.
In its initial public offering, the company sold 18.2 million shares for $326.7 million.
As of August 2022, Lululemon’s stock sells at around $315. As you can see, this is a considerable increase from the company’s IPO.
Who Are Lululemon’s Investors?
Lululemon has both private and institutional shareholders.
Private shareholders are individuals who have purchased stocks on their own, while institutional shareholders are businesses that hold shares.
Institutional organizations make up the majority of Lululemon’s shareholders. As of 2022, Lululemon has roughly 1,725 institutional shareholders that own over 123 million shares.
Who Are Lululemon’s Largest Shareholders?
Some of Lululemon’s largest institutional shareholders are Fidelity Management & Research Company, T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc., and the Vanguard Group Inc.
Lululemon’s largest mutual fund investors include Fidelity Growth Company Fund, Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, and WCM Focused International Growth Fund.
Two other prominent shareholders are Chip Wilson, the founder, and Advent International Corp.
Both are listed as insider shareholders because they’re involved or have access to inside information about the company.
What Is Lululemon’s Stock Type?
Lululemon is considered a common stock, which is the most prevalent stock type on the market.
Essentially, it means when buyers purchase this stock, they own a portion of the company.
Furthermore, the value of this stock fluctuates with the company’s success. It may increase or decrease along with the value of the company.
However, common stocks are usually considered more stable as they grow slowly over the long term.
Can I Buy Stock in Lululemon?
Individuals and businesses can purchase Lululemon stocks at any time.
However, just like other stocks, it’s essential to research the company to see if now is a good time to buy or trade stocks.
Stocks fluctuate depending on market trends. While Lululemon’s stock appears to be increasing in value in the long haul, it does see some occasional dips.
For example, in May 2022, Lululemon saw a dip in its stock market value. Since it’s predicted to increase in the future, that would have been an excellent time to buy.
To know more, you can also read our posts on how to get Lululemon cheap, is Lululemon a pyramid scheme, and is Lululemon ethical.
Lululemon is a large, publicly traded company. When it first went public in 2007, Lululemon’s IPO was higher than expected at $18. However, the company has steadily increased its value since then.
So, if you’re looking to invest, Lululemon could be an option. But before you buy or sell, always research current stock trends and weigh your risks.