Does Taco Bell Use Horse Meat? (All You Need To Know)

Are you wondering whether Taco Bell uses 100% premium beef on all its food products, such as Doritos, burritos, or tacos? Or does it also include horse meat in some products?

If so, this article will help you learn more about Taco Bell’s meat and food ingredients. Let’s get to it right away!

Does Taco Bell Use Horse Meat In 2025?

Taco Bell does not use horse meat in its food products in 2025. However, in 2013, the Yum Brand was reported to have used horse meat in its chain outlets in the UK and Ireland. A report by the British Food Standard Agency suggested that Taco Bell’s products contained some percentage of horse meat.

Are you interested in learning more about how Taco Bell uses horse meat? If so, take a look at what we have come up with!

Does Taco Bell Use Horse Meat in the USA?

There are no reports or incidents of Taco Bell using horse meat in the United States. The use of horse meat in the USA is not legalized or regulated in any way.

According to its website, the fast-food chain claims that it uses 100% premium beef tested and inspected by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Is It Legal To Eat Horse Meat in the United States?

It is not considered illegal to eat horse meat in the USA. There are no existing federal laws that prohibit the slaughter of horses for consumption.

Does McDonald’s Use Horse Meat?

McDonald’s does not use horse meat in its food products. The fast-food restaurant serves pure USDA-approved beef.

Does Taco Bell Use Horse Meat in the UK?

Taco Bell doesn’t claim anywhere that it uses horse meat in the UK.

However, in 2013, the chain of restaurants was reported to have used horse meat in three outlets in the UK.

This was namely in Manchester Arndale center, Basildon in Essex, and Lakeside Shopping center.

A spokesman from Taco Bell revealed that ingredients from a supplier in Europe tested positive for a percentage of horse meat.

With regard to this discovery, Taco Bell withdrew beef from its menu in the three outlets in the UK.

Does Taco Bell Use Horse Meat in Canada?

There are no reports that Taco Bell uses horse meat in Canada. The chain has grown to more than 170 Canadian units.

It serves customized food in Canada, such as tacos, Doritos, and burritos, and there have been no reported cases of using horse meat.

Does Taco Bell Use Horse Meat in Burgers?

Does Taco Bell Use Horse Meat in Burgers?

In the past years, Taco Bell has been reported to use horse meat in its frozen burgers in the UK and Ireland. However, there are no reports of horse meat in Taco Bell’s burgers in the US.

Does Taco Bell Have a Horse Meat Lawsuit?

There is no recently-filed lawsuit over Taco Bell selling horse meat.

However, in 2011 a class-action lawsuit against the fast-food restaurant claimed that its seasoned beef was not beefy enough.

An Alabama firm focussed on how Taco Bell had changed its marketing practices and disclosed to the public more about the beef the restaurant used in tacos and burritos, among other food products.

Taco Bell claimed that the allegations made about them were wrong right from the start.

In a statement, Taco Bell revealed that it wasn’t about to make any changes in its products, particularly in its seasoned beef, as the USDA approved its products.

Does Taco Bell Use Horse Meat in Tacos?

According to the USDA, Taco Bell uses premium beef in its tacos.

However, in the UK, the British Foods Standards Agency claimed that it found some percentage of horse meat in the ground beef sold by its outlets, two in Essex and the other in Machester.

Does Taco Bell Use Horse Meat in Burritos?

There are no claims that Taco Bell uses horse meat in burritos. Taco Bell uses premium beef prepared and pre-seasoned with a blend of authentic seasonings.

To know more, you can also read our posts on whether or not Taco Bell uses real meat, does Taco Bell use MSG, and does Taco Bell have breakfast.


Although Taco Bell doesn’t claim outrightly that it uses horse meat, there have been reported incidences of the fast-food chain using horse meat in its outlets in the UK and Ireland. Since this report, Taco Bell’s ground meat in the UK has been off the menu.

However, there have not been any concerns about whether Taco Bell uses horse meat in the United States. Taco Bell assures the public that its products, such as burritos and tacos, use premium beef meat tested by the United States Department of Agriculture.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of

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