USPS employs more than 600,000 people nationwide. Some work full-time, while others work part-time or seasonally. There is a lot of information out there about full-time Postal Service positions, but not as much about part-time work.
That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you navigate part-time employment with USPS. In this article, we answer all of your questions about how much part-time employees work, how much they get paid, and whether or not they get benefits. Keep Reading to find these answers!
Does USPS Hire Part-Time Employees In 2025?
USPS is actively hiring part-time employees in 2025. Part-time Postal Service employees are grouped into three categories: part-time regular employees, part-time flexible employees, and part-time salaried employees. These employees work less than 40 hours per week and earn an average of $18.42 per hour. Additionally, they are eligible for benefits like paid leave, sick leave, and health insurance.
We cover everything you need to know about part-time employment at USPS so keep reading for more information!
Does USPS Hire Part-Time Employees?
USPS is actively hiring part-time employees in many roles around the country.
Here is an online Career Finder tool to find part-time USPS jobs near you!
What Types Of Part-Time Employees Does USPS Have?
Part-time USPS employees are divided into two groups: bargaining unit employees and non-bargaining unit employees.
Within the bargaining unit employee group, there are part-time regular employees and part-time flexible employees.
Part-time regular employees are career employees who are assigned to work regular schedules of less than 40 hours in a service week. They are paid on an hourly basis.
Part-time flexible employees are also career, hourly rate employees, who are available to work flexible hours according to service demands.
Part-time salaried workers make up the non-bargaining unit employees. They are career hourly rate employees assigned regular work schedules.
What Kinds Of Positions Does USPS Hire Part-Time Employees For?
Available part-time positions at the Postal Service will vary depending on where you live, so it’s best to browse open positions on the USPS website.
That said, many part-time employees work as postal clerks or mail carriers (both as City Carrier Assistants or as Rural Carrier Assistants).
How Many Hours Do USPS Part-Time Employees Work?
There aren’t any hard and fast rules about how many hours USPS part-time employees work, except that they must not work more than 40 hours per week.
However, schedules will vary based on the service demands at each Post Office, so some weeks part-time employees may work up to 39 hours, while others may work half of that.
Indeed, part-time flexible workers do not have a regular work schedule or weekly guarantee of hours. They replace absent workers and help with extra work as needed.
How Much Do Part Time USPS Jobs Pay?
Hourly rates for part-time employees depend on the position’s rate schedule.
Therefore, these rates range from $16.72 to $31.62, with an average of $18.42 per hour (or $38,306 per year).
Do Part-Time USPS Employees Get Benefits?
Unlike a lot of companies where part-time employees don’t get benefits, those employed part-time at USPS do. For example, they have access to paid leave.
Additionally, with less than 3 years of USPS service, they can earn up to 13 days off per year.
With 3-15 years of service, they can earn up to 20 days per year.
Furthermore, with 15 or more years of service, they can earn up to 26 days per year.
In addition to paid leave, part-time employees also benefit from sick leave. They can earn up to 13 days per year, depending on how many hours they work.
Part-time employees also benefit from health insurance coverage and enjoy the same rates as full-time employees.
In other words, they don’t pay more for health insurance coverage just because they work fewer hours.
To learn more, you can also read our posts on USPS seasonal job, does USPS hire felons, and USPS 90 day probation.
A part-time job at USPS is a pretty great gig. Not only is USPS almost always hiring for these positions, but the pay and benefits are also incredibly competitive.
Part-time USPS employees can earn vacation time, sick days, and benefit from affordable health insurance coverage. If all of that sounds good to you, then the only question left to ask is, is now your time to apply for a part-time position with the Postal Service?