How Do Verizon Jetpacks Work? (All You Need To Know)

Do you have multiple devices that you need to connect to the Internet and have Verizon as your Internet or cell phone provider? Did you know jetpacks can help with this situation?

If you’re wondering how Verizon Jetpacks work and if they will help you connect all of your devices quickly and efficiently, continue reading below to find out what I’ve discovered!

How Do Verizon Jetpacks Work In 2024?

Verizon Jetpacks work by allowing you to connect multiple devices to the Verizon network, so it’s better than a mobile hotspot which has limitations. You’ll need to connect each device to the Jetpack through the Wi-Fi feature on each device in 2024. To use a Jetpack, you’ll need a SIM card installed and charge the battery routinely.

Do you want more details about how to use a Verizon Jetpack and if they work as intended? Read below to find out more details and I’ll have all of your questions answered!

What Does the Verizon Jetpack Do?

A Verizon Jetpack is a piece of equipment that allows you to connect multiple devices to a single network, making it more efficient and quick compared to your mobile hotspot.

In the same way that a mobile hotspot works, you don’t need to connect any wires or plugs to the Verizon Jetpack, but this device has a SIM card slot to connect to the Verizon network.

You can use the Jetpack to connect netbooks, cameras, tablets, laptops, smartphones, and other electronic devices to Verizon just by using the Wi-Fi capabilities on each device.

Is Verizon Jetpack Unlimited Data?

Unfortunately, the Verizon Jetpack is not unlimited data, even if you have a Verizon Unlimited cell phone plan.

If you have a Verizon Unlimited plan currently, you can get either 15GB of Jetpack data or 30GB of Jetpack data monthly, although you can still use the Jetpack even if you go over the limit.

However, once you’ve passed your data limit on the Jetpack, Verizon will throttle the speeds so that you’re only getting around 600Kbps, which is rather slow for most people these days.

What is the Monthly Cost of a Verizon Jetpack?

The monthly cost of a Verizon Jetpack can vary, but ranges from $20 to $80 or a little higher depending on which Verizon Mobile Hotspot Plan you choose, such as the following:

  • Essential Plan- The plan costs $20 and gives you 15 GB of premium data
  • Plus Plan- Plus will cost $40 for 50 GB of premium data
  • Pro Plan- The Pro will cost $60 for 100 GB of premium data
  • Premium Plan- The biggest plan is called Premium and it’s $80 for 150 GB of premium data

Additionally, you also have to include the price of the Verizon Jetpack and whether you go with a 30-month or 24-month payment plan or whether you just pay the $199.99 retail price.

Is There an Activation Fee for Verizon Jetpack?

You will have to pay an activation fee for the Verizon Jetpack, which is a one-time-only fee of $35 per device you’d like to activate.

Is Verizon Jetpack Worth It?

Is Verizon Jetpack Worth It?

It’s worth it to purchase a Verizon Jetpack if you’re someone that is on the go often and have multiple devices that you need to connect to the internet.

However, if you’re someone looking for a device for your home for constant use, the Jetpack is not the right device to purchase, as that’s not what it’s intended for.

With that being said, the Verizon Jetpack offers great battery life and allows you to share your Verizon network with other devices without slowing down the connection.

Furthermore, you can connect up to 15 devices with one Verizon Jetpack, which is better than a traditional mobile hotspot, and it offers exceptional flexibility, security, and privacy.

Can You Leave Verizon Jetpack on All the Time?

According to Verizon customer service, you can leave the Verizon Jetpack on all of the time, such as when it’s charging, although it is recommended to unplug it after it’s been charged.

For example, if you leave the Jetpack on all of the time and keep it plugged in, you’re going to notice battery drainage after time, just as you would other lithium-ion battery-powered devices.

Also, the intended use of the Jetpack is not to be connected all day every day and Jetpacks need to be rebooted frequently for optimal performance.

Will a Verizon Jetpack Work Without a Battery?

The Verizon Jetpack will not work without the battery, so it’s not advised that you remove the battery in this device since it’s responsible for connecting the device to the network.

Furthermore, this device requires regular charging, because if the internal battery power is too low, you won’t be able to connect to a Verizon network.

Can You Stream With Verizon Jetpack?

You can stream using the Verizon Jetpack, with the ability to stream movies and videos at 1080p.

Also, you’ll notice that streaming quality with the Verizon Jetpack is great and consistent, even if you’re using multiple devices and streaming from each connected device simultaneously.

Of course, if you go over your allotted data for the month on this device, you’ll notice a slowdown that’s going to impact streaming ability.

To learn more, you can also see our posts on what is Verizon Connect, if Verizon locks phones, and if Verizon offers unlimited data.


A Verizon Jetpack is a device that you can purchase to connect up to 15 devices at once to the Verizon network, and it works very well with quick and reliable speeds without interruption.

Also, it allows you to connect freely, securely, and privately so you don’t have to use a public Wi-Fi network and risk data being stolen while out and about.

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Florence Howard

Florence Howard has been freelance writing for over a decade, and has a vocational background in retail, tech, and marketing. Outside of work, she enjoys listening to rock and metal, and playing with her dog and cat.

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