FedEx Ground, FedEx Ground Economy, FedEx Express- there are so many FedEx services to keep track of. Unfortunately, that’s not even all of them! FedEx Home Delivery is yet another service worth getting to know if you’re going to be shipping with FedEx.
In this article, we’ll let you know what Home Delivery is, and, more importantly, how fast it is. We’ll even compare Home Delivery with comparable services from USPS and UPS. So, if you need to learn more about this service, then keep reading!
How Fast Is FedEx Home Delivery In 2025?
FedEx Home Delivery delivers in 1 to 5 business days in 2025. For packages going to and from Alaska or Hawaii, the average delivery time is closer to 3 to 7 business days. Exact delivery times depend on the distance the package needs to travel. It is about as fast as UPS Ground delivery but slower than USPS Priority Mail.
We’ve got a lot more information to share with you about FedEx Home Delivery, so please keep reading for more useful facts and tips!
What Is FedEx Home Delivery?
Before answering any questions about how fast FedEx Home Delivery is, it’s important to understand what this service offers.
FedEx Home Delivery is a ground shipping service that delivers to residential areas (as opposed to commercial areas).
It is available throughout all 50 states. Deliveries are made every day of the week in most areas.
Evening delivery (between 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM) and appointment delivery options are available for more convenience.
What’s the Difference Between FedEx Ground and FedEx Home Delivery?
On the surface, FedEx Ground and FedEx Home Delivery look like very similar services.
Both take advantage of almost the same technological framework and logistical operations. Indeed, FedEx Ground handles most of the fulfillment for FedEx Home Delivery.
What’s more, both services also have the same 150-pound weight limit for packages.
Still, there is one key difference. Whereas FedEx Ground delivers packages to businesses or commercial addresses, FedEx Home Delivery delivers to residences.
In addition, FedEx Ground only delivers Monday through Friday. FedEx Home Delivery delivers every day of the week to most locations.
How Long Does FedEx Home Delivery Take?
FedEx Home Delivery takes 1 to 5 days to deliver within the contiguous United States. It takes 3 to 7 days when shipping to residential addresses in Alaska or Hawaii.
Keep in mind that these are just averages. The exact delivery times for FedEx Home Delivery depend on the shipment’s origin and the distance to the destination.
Is FedEx Home Delivery Slow?
As mentioned in the previous section, FedEx Home Delivery can take anywhere from 1 day to 1 week to deliver, depending on how far the package needs to travel.
While these times may be acceptable for some, others might find them a bit slow.
That’s especially likely if you’re shipping to remote locations, rural addresses, or areas outside of “normal” FedEx delivery routes where delivery times are on the higher side of the scale.
Is FedEx Home Delivery Faster Than USPS?
USPS Priority Mail typically offers faster delivery when compared to FedEx Home Delivery.
While the Postal Service delivers packages in 1.79 days on average, FedEx takes about 2.21 days.
This might not seem like a massive difference, but it could mean the difference between receiving your package Monday instead of Tuesday.
Is FedEx Home Delivery Faster Than UPS?
On average, FedEx Home Delivery and UPS Ground deliver packages in 1 to 5 business days.
Another similarity is that both services deliver on Saturday with no extra fee.
That being said, only FedEx offers Sunday delivery as a standard service (i.e. without an extra fee). This may mean that FedEx has a slight speed advantage over its competition.
To learn more, you can also see our posts on how fast is FedEx International Priority, how fast is FedEx Smartpost, and FedEx informed delivery.
FedEx Home Delivery is a reliable, affordable shipping service for customers mailing to residential addresses. Not only is it cost-effective, but it also offers competitive shipping times, delivering in 1 to 5 business days.
In general, FedEx Home Delivery is about as fast as UPS Ground and slightly slower than USPS Priority Mail. Still, it’s tough to beat the standard Saturday and Sunday delivery offered through Home Delivery.