Lidl Headquarters (Different Locations, Addresses, Can You Visit, Contact Info + More)

Lidl is well known as a discount retail chain based in Germany, with stores in 30 countries including the U.S. With 11,550 stores, Lidl has plenty of customers who want to know more about the company, its stores and products.

For more information about Lidl headquarters in Germany, the US and around the world, carry on reading. We looked it up and have plenty of information for you!

Where Is Lidl’s Headquarters Located In 2024?

Lidl’s headquarters in Germany is located in Baden-Württemberg at Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG, Stiftsbergstraße 174167, Neckarsulm Germany. The phone number is 07132 / 94-2000. Lidl’s headquarters in the US is located at 3500 S Clark Street, Arlington, VA, 22202-4045. Lidl customer service can be contacted by phone, email, and social media in 2024.

If you have more questions about Lidl headquarters, read on. You’ll find all the details here!

Where Is Lidl Headquarters?

Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG is an international discount retail chain with its headquarters in Neckarsulm, Baden-Württemberg in Germany.

The address is:

Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG

Stiftsbergstraße 174167

Neckarsulm Germany

The phone number is 07132 / 94-2000, and the email is

The US headquarters of Lidl is in Arlington, VA.

What Is the Address for the Lidl Headquarters in Arlington VA?

The Lidl US headquarters in Arlington VA is located at 3500 S Clark Street, Arlington, VA, 22202-4045.

The phone number is (844) 747-5435.

How Do I Contact Lidl Customer Service?

Lidl Customer Service can be contacted by phone, email, and social media.

Customers can also find information on the Help pages on topics like its stores, products, the MyLidl app, delivery, applying for jobs, etc.


The phone number for Lidl’s customer service is (844) 747-5435. This service is available from Monday through Saturday, between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.


Shoppers can contact Lidl Customer Service by using the online contact form on the website. They can use this form to get help on topics like:

  • MyLidl app
  • Stores
  • Products
  • Home delivery
  • Corporate responsibility
  • Website

Social Media

Another way to contact Lidl customer service is through the company’s social media accounts on various platforms.

Where Are Lidl Stores Located?

Where Are Lidl Stores Located?

There are more than 11,000 Lidl stores in 30 countries in Europe and the US. There is a Lidl store in each EU country.

How Many Lidl USA Locations Are There?

In the US, there are over 100 Lidl stores in 9 east coast states. These are:

  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Georgia
  • Virginia
  • New York
  • New Jersey
  • Delaware
  • Maryland
  • Pennsylvania

Where Is Lidl’s National Headquarters Located?

Lidl has head offices and regional offices in the 30 countries where it operates stores.

Lidl Headquarters UK

Lidl House, 14 Kingston Road,

Surbiton, KT5 9NU

Phone: +44-8009777766

Lidl Headquarters France

35 rue charles péguy,

Strasbourg, Grand-Est, 67200,


Phone: +33 3 88 30 94 00

Lidl Headquarters Spain

Pol. Ind. La Granja,

Carrer Beat Oriol, S/N,

Montcada i Reixac,

Catalonia, 08110, Spain

Phone: +34 902 24 32 22

Lidl Headquarters Denmark

Profilvej 9, Kolding,

Region Syddanmark, 6000,


Phone Number: +45 76 35 00 00

Lidl Headquarters Ireland

Lidl Head Office,

Main Road,


Co Dublin,


Is Lidl a Public Company?

Lidl is not a publicly traded company. It’s privately held by the Schwartz family of Germany, and it’s not possible for the public to buy shares.

Who Owns Lidl?

Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG is part of the Schwarz Gruppe, which is the fifth-largest retailer in the world by sales revenue.

Who Is the Current CEO of Lidl?

The CEO of Lidl is Gerd Chrzanowski, who has held this position since 2020. He replaced Ignazio Paterno, who was CEO from 2019 to 2020.

Are the Owners of Aldi and Lidl Related?

Aldi and Lidl are both privately held German companies, but their owners are not related. Aldi is owned by the Albrecht family, and Lidl is owned by the Schwartz Gruppe.

Schwartz Gruppe is owned by the family and descendants of Josef Schwartz, who opened the first Lidl store in 1973. 

To learn more about Lidl, you can also see our posts on what is Lidl, Lidl complaints, and Lidl business model.


Lidl is one of the largest retailers in the world by sales revenues, and has its headquarters in Neckarsulm, Baden-Württemberg in Germany.

The US headquarters of Lidl are in Arlington VA. Lidl also has head offices and regional offices in all the countries where it operates stores. Customers can get in touch with Lidl in a number of ways including email, phone, and social media.

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Cara Suppa

Cara Suppa has been freelance writing for over a decade and holds a BA in English and an MS in Integrated Marketing Communications. Outside of work, she is an avid cook, gardener, and discount shopper.

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