Most people only know Jeff Bezos as the founder of Amazon, but what did he do before that?
Here’s a look at Bezos’ early career and how it led to the creation of one of the world’s most successful companies, Amazon.
What Did Jeff Bezos Do Before Amazon?
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos came from a middle-class family and obtained an Ivy League education. Before starting Amazon, he had several upper management positions in the technology industry. Bezos saw potential in the internet and e-Commerce. With a small investment, he took a risk and began a small business that grew into the company we know today!
So if you’re curious about what Jeff Bezos did before Amazon, keep reading; this article will tell you all there is to know!
Did Jeff Bezos Come From A Wealthy Family?
While Jeff Bezos was born into a middle-class family, he did not inherit any significant wealth from his parents or grandparents.
Instead, he earned his fortune through hard work and determination.
Moreover, this attitude and fearless approach to taking risks has been instrumental in making him one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time.
So, while Jeff Bezos may not have come from money, what he lacked in initial resources, he made up for with sheer ambition and commitment to seeing his ideas through to fruition.
What Was Jeff Bezos’ First Job?
While a teen, Jeff Bezos had a typical job for most young people- flipping burgers at McDonald’s!
Did Jeff Bezos Go To Harvard?
No, Jeff Bezos did not go to Harvard. However, he attended another distinguished Ivy League university, Princeton University, studying electrical engineering and computer science.
After graduation, Bezos worked for various companies in the technology sector before finally starting Amazon in 1995.
So, while he didn’t attend Harvard, his Ivy League education undoubtedly played a role in his success as an entrepreneur.
What Was Jeff Bezos Doing After He Graduated College?
After graduating from college, Jeff worked for several years as an engineer at various companies, including Fitel and Bankers Trust.
During this time, Jeff started thinking about starting his own business because he saw the massive potential for online retailing.
Furthermore, he believed that customers could benefit greatly from being able to order products directly over the Internet without having to deal with the hassle of going to physical stores.
What Was Jeff Bezos’ First Idea?
Jeff Bezos’ first idea was to start an online bookstore.
Early on, he recognized the potential for selling books directly over the Internet without dealing with physical stores or distribution centers.
How Did Jeff Bezos Start Amazon?
Jeff Bezos started Amazon in 1994. Initially, he set up the company in his garage, and it was just an online bookstore.
However, he quickly expanded into other product categories, and Amazon soon became one of the largest retailers on the Internet, and it all started with the simple idea to sell books online!
Also, even though Amazon was taking off and becoming more successful by the day, Jeff didn’t give up his day job right away.
In fact, it wasn’t until 1997 that he finally quit his job at Bankers Trust to focus on Amazon full-time.
What Was Jeff Bezos’ Net Worth Before Starting Amazon?
In his book, Jeff recalls how he took a bet of $100,000 that was supposed to last him one year and became the seed money for Amazon.
Did Jeff Bezos Create Amazon By Himself?
While Jeff Bezos is generally considered the founder of Amazon, he didn’t do it alone.
From the very beginning, he had a talented and dedicated team working with him to turn his idea into reality.
In fact, many credit Bezos’s success to his ability to surround himself with great talent – whether it was hiring quality employees or partnering with other companies for strategic collaborations.
Moreover, Bezos has always been open about learning from others to grow and improve.
That said, one of his key inspirations is Steve Jobs, whom he admires for “thinking differently” and challenging conventional wisdom.
Also, this willingness to learn from others and create new paths forward has allowed Amazon to evolve and thrive over the years, making Jeff Bezos a true pioneer in the world of business.
What Is Jeff Bezos Worth Now?
Currently, Jeff Bezos’ net worth is estimated at around $150 billion right now – and that’s just the unofficial number!
To learn more, you can also read our posts on what is Amazon Explore, Amazon SWOT analysis, and Amazon business model.
Bezos kept going when most people would give up after facing multiple challenges on their way to success.
With that, not only did he manage to turn a small bookstore into the powerhouse that is Amazon today, but he also came up with truly innovative ideas like Kindle or Alexa.
Additionally, his perseverance is what got him to where he is today, and it’s also what makes him such an inspiration to anyone starting in business.