What Is A Facebook Engagement Rating? (Your Full Guide)

Facebook engagement is a vital part of running a company if you engage in social media. Additionally, if you’ve ever posted, the website has likely provided you with information about your engagement rate. 

However, this rate is simply a number unless you know how to interpret it and use it. Therefore, for more information on what Facebook engagement is, keep reading!

What Is A Facebook Engagement Rating In 2024?

Facebook engagement rate is a measurement of how often someone does an action on your Facebook page or post in 2024. Furthermore, whenever someone comments, likes, or shares your post, it counts towards your Facebook engagement. Additionally, viewing a video or clicking on a link usually counts towards engagement, as well. However, it does depend on how you calculate it. 

To learn how this is calculated and how to use it to your advantage, take a look at the rest of this article below!

What is a Good Facebook Engagement Rate?

What counts as a good Facebook engagement rate varies as there are many factors involved.

For instance, some industries naturally have higher engagement rates than others. 

Therefore, it isn’t a matter of having a “good” engagement rate. Instead, it mostly matters what your engagement rate is compared to others in your industry. 

Additionally, the engagement rate is measured based on how many followers you have compared to how many people engage with your post.

In other words, a 1% engagement rate means that about 1% of all your followers engage with each post. 

Usually, a 1% engagement is very good as it normally means you’re likely getting lots of engagement. 

Keep in mind, if you suddenly get many more followers, your engagement rate may drop. 

After all, you now have more followers, so you need more engagement to reach 1%. 

Additionally, your follower number and engagement rate will likely vary over time. Though you can use this metric to determine what gets the most engagement among your followers. 

However, this may change over time as your follower base changes. 

How is Facebook Engagement Measured?

Facebook engagement is measured in a few different ways. 

However, many people utilize the fan/follower-based measurement method. 

As we described above, this is where you take your number of followers and compare it to the amount of engagement with each post. 

Then, this method will provide you with a percentage of followers that engage with your post. 

So, the more followers you have, the more engagement you’ll need to get for a good engagement rating. 

However, this method doesn’t work well for everyone. 

For instance, if you work in an industry that doesn’t have a lot of engagement, then this method may not tell you what you’re looking for. 

Furthermore, those with lots of engagement outside of their follower base may also find this method unhelpful. 

Additionally, another method is to check the engagement rate per the active users on Facebook. 

Usually, larger companies use this method, as they may get lots of engagement outside of their fan base. 

Furthermore, according to the 2022 Social Media Industry Benchmark Report, most companies on Facebook have an engagement rating of 0.064%. 

However, the top 25% of all brands have an engagement rating of 0.174%. 

Therefore, the top companies have a much higher rate than the median, while many companies fall below the median, as you can see. 

How Does Facebook Engagement Differ Across Industries?

How Does Facebook Engagement Differ Across Industries?

Facebook engagement differs substantially across different industries.

As some industries are simply more likely to get more reactions and engagements than other options. 

For instance, higher education companies, such as universities, often have a much higher engagement rate than other companies. 

On the other hand, hotels often receive a much lower engagement rate. 

Likely, this is because people are more likely to visit and be excited about university news than hotels. 

However, health and beauty companies have even lower engagement on average. Therefore, these brands are much less likely to have breakout posts. 

Typically, these brands leverage celebrities and similar fan-posted content more often. 

Additionally, Makeup artists often have a higher engagement than beauty companies themselves. 

Therefore, many beauty companies provide samples and similar opportunities to these artists to get more engagement. 

How Do You Calculate Engagement Rates on Facebook?

Calculating an engagement rate on Facebook is pretty straightforward. Firstly, you need to add up all the engagement that a post has received. 

Furthermore, all reactions, comments, and shares count towards engagement. 

Sometimes, companies will also count all clicks as engagement, which may mean that someone simply clicked on the post to read the comment section. 

Then, you need to calculate your page fans or followers and this is listed on your page. 

Preferably, you should use the number from when you added the specific post. However, this isn’t always possible, so simply use your best guess. 

Then, simply divide the engagements by your fans/followers and this will give you a decimal, which you can turn into a percentage. 

Then, this resulting answer is your engagement rating. 

What Does Facebook Engagement Mean?

Facebook engagement is how many people engage with your posts. 

Furthermore, by using this metric, you can determine how many of your followers are regularly engaging with your content, as opposed to just scrolling past it. 

Additionally, when using social media, you want to have plenty of followers. 

However, having engagement is also important as it’s a good measurement of how many people are actually reading your post. 

Also, your followers may engage better with certain posts than others. Therefore, you can use these metrics to determine which posts they like more than others. 

To know more, you can also read our posts on how Facebook Marketplace works, what is Facebook Watch, and what is Facebook Events.


If you’re using Facebook to drive your business, engagement levels can be vital. Therefore, it is important to know how to read them. While Facebook does work to help those running business accounts, you have to know what the numbers mean and what to do with them. 

Generally, Facebook engagement is how often people engage with your post, which is typically calculated by taking the number of fans or followers into account. Then, you can use this information to determine which posts get the most engagement from your fans. 

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Mackenzie Jerks

Mackenzie is a freelance writer and editor, published author, and music enthusiast who holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. When she’s not writing, Mackenzie is either wrapped up in a book, discovering new music, or introducing herself to a new fitness regimen.

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