Can I View My PayPal Login Activity? (Full Guide)

If you’re worried that your PayPal account has been hacked or used fraudulently, you might want to know: can I view PayPal login activity?

If so, keep reading to learn all you need to know about PayPal and whether the company tracks your login activity, along with other facts! 

Can I View My PayPal Login Activity In 2024?

PayPal tracks login activity, including the type of device that’s used and the time that the login occurs in 2024. To see your login activity, click on the gear symbol on the right, which will open your account settings. Next, go to the security tab and select manage next to Manage Logins. This will bring up all your login information.

Do you want to know more about whether PayPal tracks users’ login attempts and activity, as well as how you can view it? If so, read on to learn what we’ve found out! 

Can You View PayPal Login Activity?

You can view your PayPal login activity in your account. This allows you to see what devices were used to log into your account, as well as at what time.

You can use this data in conjunction with your recent activity to determine if payments were sent or received.

How Do You View PayPal Login Activity?

View your PayPal login activity by clicking on the settings icon in the top right of your PayPal account.

Next, select the security tab and then scroll to manage your logins, click the manage button to the right, and it will bring up all of your recent sign-in activity.

Is PayPal Login Activity Available on Your Account?

Login activity is available on all PayPal accounts, and you can view this information at any time.

Is PayPal Login Activity Available on the PayPal App?

PayPal’s app is very limited when it comes to changing settings; this also means that there is no option to view login activity from the app.

So, if you wish to view login activity while using a mobile device, you will need to use a web browser and request a full desktop site.

Afterward, follow the steps on the screen to get to your account’s login activity.

Can You View PayPal App Login Activity?

Login activity from the PayPal app will show up with all of your other login activity in the manage login section of your account.

Can You Logout of PayPal on All Devices?

Can You Logout of PayPal on All Devices?

There is no straightforward way to log out of PayPal on all devices with the click of a button. However, PayPal automatically logs out after a few minutes of not being used.

The only way someone would be able to use your account is if your password is saved, and to rectify this, simply change your PayPal password.

Will Changing Passwords Log Out All Devices?

Changing passwords will ensure that all devices no longer have access to your PayPal account, even if your password was saved each one.

What If You Suspect Fraudulent PayPal Login Activity?

If you suspect your account has been hacked or you notice fraudulent activity, change your password immediately and contact PayPal for further instructions.

As well, you can add two-factor authentication to your account, which will make logging in a bit more tedious but will require a code to be sent to your phone for login confirmation.

Can PayPal Lock My Account for Fraudulent Login Activity?

PayPal will lock or suspend an account if it’s suspected that there is fraudulent activity. This can usually be resolved easily by changing login information.

Will PayPal Send Me a New Card If Fraud Is Detected?

If you have a PayPal card and it was lost, stolen, or used fraudulently, you can request a new card.

However, be sure to give the reason why your card is missing, as you will want your new card to have a different number than your old one in case someone else is using it.

Can I Change My PayPal Login Information?

You can easily change your password at any time by going into your account settings, but if you don’t have access to your account, you can also reset the password from the login screen.

Does PayPal Track My Login Activity? 

PayPal does track the login activity of all users, which includes where the login occurred geographically, what type of device was on, and at what time it occurred.

In fact, even failed login attempts are logged by PayPal.

Why Does PayPal Track My Login Activity?

PayPal tracks login activity for security reasons, which allows the company to identify potentially fraudulent logins and stop them before money can be exchanged.

To know more, you can also read our posts on M-Pesa to PayPal, how long do PayPal refunds take, and does Chewy accept PayPal.


PayPal tracks the login activity of all users, which can be a great asset in the event you find yourself the victim of fraud.

Best of all, you can check and view this information at any time, which is a great way to give yourself peace of mind if you’re worried that your account has been compromised. If you do believe your account was breached, change your password immediately and contact PayPal.

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Mackenzie Jerks

Mackenzie is a freelance writer and editor, published author, and music enthusiast who holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. When she’s not writing, Mackenzie is either wrapped up in a book, discovering new music, or introducing herself to a new fitness regimen.

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