Do You Need a Resume for McDonald’s? (Full Guide)

McDonald’s is one of the biggest fast-food chains in the world and the company is always looking to hire new workers to fill vacancies.

During the application process, you might be wondering to yourself, do you need a resume for McDonald’s? Read on to learn more about whether a resume is needed and other important details!

Do You Need a Resume for McDonald’s?

You generally don’t need a resume for McDonald’s, although a resume is always a good idea to submit with your application to showcase your unique skills and abilities. Even if you have no experience, you can focus on what you’ve learned in school or other organizations that could help you in the job interview. 

You’ll find answers to even more questions you have about putting together a resume for McDonald’s, so make sure you keep reading below!

What Should I Put on My Resume for McDonald’s?

While you don’t always need a resume for McDonald’s, there are skills you want to highlight if you have them to have the best chance at landing the job, including:

  • Teamwork
  • Working under pressure
  • Being motivated
  • Knowledge of point-of-sale machines and software
  • Excellent verbal communication
  • Knowledge of operating grills, cash registers, deep fryers, and beverage dispensers
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Decision-making skills
  • Inventory experience
  • Time management skills
  • Management of stress in high-pressure situations

What Do I Put on My McDonald’s Resume If I Have No Experience?

What Do I Put on My Resume If I Have No Experience?

If you have no experience, you can still make a resume for McDonald’s to show your unique qualifications that would make you an excellent worker, including:

Professional Summary

A professional summary is now used to replace the career objective portion of resumes in more modern resume formats.

Additionally, it’s about two sentences long, and it’s focused on your background, abilities, and interests. 

Furthermore, you can use this section to highlight your education, personal traits that would make you a great McDonald’s employee, and work ethic. 

However, you cannot just use the same summary for multiple job applications since it needs to be specific for that job opening.

List Skills Pertinent to the Job

You’ll need to list skills after the summary which are relevant to whichever job you’re applying for, and you can list skills that you’ve gained through school or extracurricular activities and sports. 

Furthermore, you can list skills related to classes you’ve taken in school, such as basic proficiency in Microsoft Word or other computer programs or the ability to speak a foreign language.

In addition to that, you can talk about time management, abilities to listen and problem solve, and working in groups or with a team. 

Education History & Related Achievements 

Even if you didn’t graduate high school yet, you can still list your education and any achievements you’ve earned in school.

Further, you should put down where you went to high school, even if you’re still enrolled, and list your expected graduation year. 

Additionally, you can add details about special awards you’ve won, such as perfect attendance, student of the month, and other awards from school or sports you’d like to highlight. 

Classes You’ve Taken That’ll Help You in the McDonald’s Job

If you went to high school, then it’s likely you’ve taken elective courses and classes that’ll help you in your McDonald’s job, which should be listed on your resume.

Further, you could put a brief two-sentence description of the class and a couple of skills you’ve learned from it, such as being in a food and nutrition class and learning basic cooking skills.

Projects That Are Relevant to McDonald’s Job You’ve Applied For

Whether it was a school project or a hobby, there are a lot of different projects you could list on your resume to help you stand out from other applicants. 

Furthermore, you could put down activities such as fundraising for a school trip and how that helped you gain customer service skills, the ability to sell products, and dealing with cash.

Passions & Hobbies

If you have activities and hobbies you’re passionate about, you can list them on your resume, including playing instruments, being in Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, or babysitting.

In addition to that, put a sentence about how long you’ve been participating in the hobby, and if it’s an instrument, you can add how often you practice.

Volunteer Work

Lastly, you will want to add in any volunteer work you’ve done, which could be school-related or personal and could be as simple as working at a soup kitchen or cleaning up the neighborhood.

Furthermore, if your family participates in church activities, you could list ways you’ve given back to the community through the church.

Four Important McDonald’s Crew Member Skills for Resume

There are specific skills you’ll need to be successful as a McDonald’s crew member, and you should highlight these skills on your resume if applicable.

Food Preparation

If you have prior experience with food preparation, even if it’s been at home cooking, you should list those skills on your resume. 

Furthermore, include details in your resume related to cleaning and sanitation of food prep areas, your knowledge about cross-contamination, washing dishes, and other food prep-related skills.

Being a Hard Worker

A McDonald’s crew member must be a hard worker, so listing any examples of how you’ve worked hard in work or school will catch the attention of the manager.

Point-Of-Sale Experience & Computer Skills

If you want to become a crew member, list previous experience with point-of-sale machines or abilities to learn new computer systems quickly.

Customer Service

Highlighting your customer service skills is a must for a McDonald’s resume for a crew member position.

Furthermore, this could be greeting customers, dealing with customer complaints, building positive relationships with others, communication, and problem-solving skills.

To find out more, you can also see our related posts on whether or not it is easy to get a job at McDonald’s, if you can work at McDonald’s at 14, and what is McDonald’s orientation.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of

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