McDonald’s is the second-largest fast-food chain in the world, so they are a company that continuously is hiring and needs new workers as they expand its locations.
If you’ve been thinking about applying to McDonald’s but wonder is it easy to get a job at McDonald’s and what’s entailed, then read on to learn all about getting a job at this successful business.
Is It Easy to Get a Job at McDonald’s?
It’s very easy to get a job at McDonald’s since the company will hire nearly anyone that applies for a job, and it is also a teen-friendly place to work. Additionally, since McDonald’s staff are primarily young, they hire employees with no existing experience, which makes it very easy to get a job.
When it comes to getting a job at McDonald’s, we know you have plenty of other questions that we’re going to answer below!
How Long Does it Take to Get Hired at McDonald’s?
It can take up to 3 weeks to get hired at McDonald’s, depending on what steps need to be completed beforehand and whether you’re a minor that needs a work permit.
Additionally, some locations require drug testing, training for the job, and a background check before employment can begin.
Further, since a majority of McDonald’s locations are franchises, the franchise owner can set the rules and requirements for being hired and the process.
Does Everyone Get Hired Who Applies to McDonald’s?
McDonald’s hires nearly anyone who applies to work for them, including those with past felony convictions!
Additionally, McDonald’s will hire young people or old people, men or women, and will hire people with varying backgrounds since they don’t discriminate and are an equal opportunity employer.
However, there may be specific situations or circumstances where McDonald’s doesn’t hire someone that applied for a job, such as isn’t flexible enough in their schedule to work what’s needed.
Is McDonald’s a Good First Job?
McDonald’s is a great first job for someone just entering the workforce, although the pay is often lower than other jobs available.
Further, McDonald’s offers entry-level work that will give you experience in customer service, leadership, discipline, effective communication, and problem-solving, and teach you responsibility.
Additionally, McDonald’s offers tuition reimbursement and other incentives for young people if they’d like to move up the corporate ladder and pursue other jobs within the company.
How Long Does it Take to Get an Interview at McDonald’s?
It can take anywhere from a couple of days to a week to get an interview at McDonald’s, regardless of whether you apply in person or online.
Additionally, the amount of time it takes to get an interview will vary based on numerous factors such as location, how many people applied, and how many jobs are available.
Can You Work at McDonald’s with No Experience?
McDonald’s hires people all of the time without experience and will train you for the job you’ve applied for.
Furthermore, McDonald’s is often the first job for teenagers, and teenagers have little to no work experience or experience in fast food.
Even better is that McDonald’s will pay for your training, which could last anywhere from a couple of days to a few weeks, depending on what job you’ve applied for and been offered.
What’s the Format for a McDonald’s Interview?
McDonald’s interviews can take on a few different formats depending on location, how that store manager handles interviews, and what job you’ve applied for.
In some instances, you can just walk into a McDonald’s location and ask if they are hiring, and get a manager to come to talk to you right away.
Further, you should prepare for this possibility by dressing nice and also bringing a resume if you have one.
However, not all jobs will have a walk-in interview format, especially if you’re applying or interested in a higher-skilled job, such as an assistant manager.
One-on-one interviews will last about 15 to 20 minutes, and you’re talking to the manager during this time.
Furthermore, bring a notepad with questions you have about the job to show you’re interested and willing to learn, which can help you quickly land the job.
In addition to that, make sure you dress nicely and are not only asking questions but displaying great listening skills as well.
If the McDonald’s location is hiring for multiple positions or needs multiple entry-level workers, it’s more manageable to just do a group interview format.
Furthermore, with group interviews, you want to make yourself unique and offer skills or a background that other candidates there don’t have.
Additionally, group interviews are often more intimidating since you’re all together and you’re hearing the responses from other potential candidates.
However, it’s important to stay professional during the group interview and do your best to impress the manager since it’s all about leaving a great first impression.
How Long is McDonald’s Training?
McDonald’s training is about three days long, although that can vary depending on which job you’re going to be doing at the restaurant.
Furthermore, entry-level crew member jobs often have one day of watching videos, with one or two days of shadowing an employee, and a day of you doing the job yourself with someone watching.
However, the amount of training that you go through will also depend on whether the trainee has enough time to train you for more than just one day.
In addition to that, even when you’re in the back room watching videos, you are being paid for your time since McDonald’s pays for your orientation and training.
If you are looking to learn more, you might also be interested in reading up on whether or not you can work at McDonald’s at 14, if you need a resume for McDonald’s, and what is McDonald’s orientation.