Major retail chains in the U.S. have started conducting drug tests for potential and current employees to prevent health and safety hazards that can result in poor employee morale and decreased productivity.
So if you’re applying to Best Buy for a job or currently work there, you may be wondering – does Best Buy drug test employees? Here is what I’ve discovered through my research!
Does Best Buy Drug Test?
Best Buy conducts lab urine drug tests on both potential and current employees, especially those dealing with safety, machinery, and heavy equipment. Employees will be tested for traces of alcohol, illegal drugs, and prescription drugs. Failing the test will lead to the termination of employment at Best Buy.
If you want to learn more about which employees must get drug tested at Best Buy, whether Best Buy conducts drug tests randomly, and what happens if you fail a drug test, keep on reading!
Do You Get Drug Tested for A Job At Best Buy?
Best Buy conducts pre-employment drug tests on potential employees upon hiring to identify evidence of recent use of alcohol, illicit drugs, and prescription drugs.
This test is not conducted during the first interview but during the pre-employment period, during which accompanying documentation, such as the applicant’s history and convictions, is collected.
Additionally, Best Buy makes it clear to new applicants that passing the drug test during the pre-employment period is a requirement to qualify for the job.
Some Best Buy stores often conduct drug tests on employees tasked with heavy machinery duties. However, at times, they relax the drug testing policy on in-store salespeople.
Does Best Buy Drug Test Product Flow Specialists?
Most Best Buy stores conduct drug tests on product flow specialists to maximize product integrity and customer fulfillment since this role is quite vulnerable to drug and alcohol abuse risks.
However, it is essential to note that Best Buy has stores in different locations across the country as well as various positions in the stores.
Because of this, the drug testing policy at Best Buy may differ slightly from one store to another.
Does Best Buy Randomly Drug Test Employees?
Best Buy does not conduct random drug tests on both new or current employees.
Typically, new employees are informed about the drug test after they pass the interview and are given instructions and a deadline before which they must submit the test results.
As for current employees, Best Buy informs them in advance as well before having them conduct drug tests.
Do They Check Your Pockets Before A Drug Test At Best Buy?
Collectors will check employees’ pockets before a drug test at Best Buy to prevent anyone from tampering with the test results.
Additionally, you may also be required to remove outer garments, leave any bags, purses, or briefcases, and wash your hands before taking a drug test.
Does Best Buy Do Pre-Employment Drug Tests?
Best Buy conducts pre-employment drug tests regardless of the type of position you are applying for.
Once you are done with the initial interview, you will get passed to a senior manager for a second interview before doing the drug test.
If you pass the second interview, you will have to complete pre-employment documents that include the drug test. Note that passing the drug test is a prerequisite for the job offer.
Drug tests at Best Buy will require that you take a standard lab urine test, with samples tested immediately and the result confirmed as either positive or negative.
If you pass the test, you will receive a phone call prompting you to go ahead and complete other pre-employment processes.
However, in case you fail the test, you will not be considered for employment at Best Buy.
Does Best Buy Call If You Fail A Drug Test?
Most Best Buy stores will not call you if you fail your drug test, so if you receive a call asking you to complete the remaining steps, you can safely assume that you’ve passed the drug test.
However, note that some stores (depending on state and location) do notify potential candidates about negative test results as well.
Additionally, it is normal for employers to provide written notice of positive and negative drug tests in some U.S. states.
Can You Retake A Pre-Employment Drug Test At Best Buy?
Some Best Buy stores allow candidates to retake a pre-employment test within five working days if the original urine sample turns positive.
In this case, the retest may be at the expense of the candidate unless the collector has doubts about the validity of the original test results.
What Happens If You Fail A Pre-Employment Drug Test At Best Buy?
If you fail the pre-employment drug test, Best Buy will legally refuse to hire you as an employee.
As for current employees, failing a drug test can lead to Best Buy legally terminating your employment contract or preventing you from getting a promotion.
Is It Better To Fail A Drug Test Or Refuse To Drug Test At Best Buy?
Even though you have the choice to take a drug test or not, you are better off failing a drug test than refusing to take it altogether.
Drug testing in the work environment is usually implemented to promote workplace health and safety and maintain employee productivity.
Additionally, Best Buy’s company policy for employees requires the workers to undertake drug tests before and during employment.
So to abide by the company’s policy, you should not refuse to take the drug test.
To know more about Best Buy, you can also see our posts on whether or not Best Buy has a teacher discount, Best Buy shoplifting policy, and the Best Buy target market.
Best Buy conducts drug tests for both new and current employees regardless of the employment position. This normally involves a lab urine test that checks for the presence of alcohol, illegal drugs, and several prescription drugs.
Failing a drug test may disqualify you from getting a job if you are a potential employee, or lead to your termination if you are a current employee. Note that most Best Buy stores might have sterner drug testing policies for employees working on heavy equipment and machinery.