DoorDash is an excellent way to order food from your favorite restaurants and get it delivered right to your house. But if you’re traveling and staying the night in the hotel, you might be curious about DoorDash’s delivery services.
For example, you may be asking: does DoorDash deliver to hotels? And, if so, how do you order DoorDash to hotels?
I was curious about the same thing and researched the matter. Here’s everything I discovered!
Does DoorDash Deliver to Hotels In 2025?
DoorDash delivers to most hotels in the United States in 2025. To make hotel deliveries easier for the DoorDasher, it’s best to provide your room number or specific instructions. Also, some hotels require you to meet your DoorDasher in the lobby for safety reasons, so call the front desk beforehand to check.
To learn more about DoorDash deliveries to hotels, like what instructions you should give your delivery driver, how to place a hotel delivery, and much more, keep on reading!
Will DoorDashers Deliver to Your Hotel?
Most hotels allow for DoorDash deliveries. However, some hotel chains don’t let the DoorDash delivery driver bring the food directly to your room.
Instead, these select hotels require that food deliveries are dropped off at the front desk, or that you meet the DoorDasher in the hotel lobby.
According to DoorDash customers, it’s best to call the hotel front desk before placing a DoorDash order to find out how to handle deliveries properly.
Also, it’s essential to provide your DoorDasher with specific delivery instructions to make the process easier for them (room number, where to drop the food off, etc.).
Can DoorDashers Deliver Food Directly to Your Hotel Room?
DoorDash delivery drivers can bring your order directly to your hotel room as long as the hotel staff allows it.
That said, some hotels don’t let delivery drivers walk past the lobby for safety reasons.
So, if your hotel doesn’t let your DoorDasher come directly to your room, you will have to meet them in the lobby.
Essentially, it’s best to call the hotel front desk before placing a DoorDash order to see how to handle the delivery process correctly.
Can You Provide Your DoorDasher with Delivery Instructions?
You can send your DoorDash delivery driver with specific instructions to help make the delivery process more manageable.
That said, once you place an order, you can use the chat feature in the app to provide delivery instructions.
Or, you can enter delivery instructions before completing the order in the designated text box.
Moreover, if your DoorDasher has any questions about finding your hotel room, they can reach out using the live chat feature in the mobile app.
How Can You Make DoorDash Hotel Deliveries Easier?
There are a few things you can do to make it easier for your DoorDasher to complete orders to your hotel room.
For example, providing your room number, calling the front desk, and meeting your DoorDasher in the lobby helps the delivery process.
Room Number
Unless you mention it specifically, your DoorDash delivery driver won’t know they’re heading to a hotel until they get there.
So, it helps to offer them your room number so they can find exactly where you’re staying. However, it’s not a requirement to enter your room number.
Sometimes, a DoorDasher will ask the front desk to contact you and request the room number.
Also, remember that some hotels don’t allow DoorDashers to make deliveries directly at your room and may be required to drop the food off at the front desk.
Call the Front Desk
If the hotel you’re staying in has intricate security measures, the staff might not let a DoorDasher inside without your authorization.
So, several DoorDash customers recommend calling the hotel front desk beforehand and informing them that you expect a delivery.
Moreover, the front desk will provide you with specific instructions regarding how they’d like you to handle the DoorDash delivery.
Meet in the Lobby
To avoid wasting any time, it’s best to meet your DoorDasher in the hotel lobby.
That way, you can make the delivery more efficient for your delivery driver and ensure that your food is as fresh as possible.
Additionally, it’s not a bad idea to inform your DoorDasher that you will be waiting in the lobby as you place your order.
Moreover, meeting your DoorDash driver in the lobby helps you avoid any potential problems with the hotel staff or any miscommunications.
Does DoorDash Have a Partnership with Hotels?
DoorDash has had a partnership with Wyndham Hotels since 2019.
With that, since there are around 4,000 Wyndham hotels across the United States, DoorDash further solidified its top spot in the food delivery market.
Additionally, some of the perks that DoorDash and Wyndham offer their customers include the following:
- Free delivery for your DoorDash delivery
- Reward points (250) at Wyndham hotels
Currently, the chain of Wyndham hotels is the only hotel partnership DoorDash has in place.
Also, if you’re staying at a Wyndham hotel, make sure you ask the front desk staff if there are more perks when you order food from DoorDash.
Sometimes, DoorDash and Wyndham have promotional codes you can use to earn extra reward points with the hotel or with DoorDash (if you have DashPass).
Why Does DoorDash Deliver to Hotels?
DoorDash delivers food to hotels to serve as large a customer base as possible. For example, if DoorDash excluded hotel orders, the company would miss out on a lot of business.
When people stay in hotels, they almost always eat out because they don’t bring groceries when they travel.
Therefore, DoorDash’s convenient delivery services make traveling a lot less stressful.
To learn more, you can also read our posts on how late does DoorDash deliver, is DoorDash 24/7, and DoorDash wrong order.
DoorDash delivers to almost every hotel for your convenience. That said, it helps your DoorDasher complete the order if you provide specific instructions like your room number and the fact that they’re delivering to a hotel.
Finally, DoorDash has a hotel partnership with Wyndham to offer additional perks like free delivery and hotel reward points.