Does Meijer Sell Dry Ice? (Price, Location + How To Buy)

Dry ice has loads of uses due to its frigid temperature. You can do so much with dry ice, from commercial refrigeration and Halloween celebrations to creating special effects on stage.

But where do you buy dry ice? Do grocery stores like Meijer sell dry ice? If you want factual answers to these questions, read on and get enlightened!

Does Meijer Sell Dry Ice In 2025?

Meijer stocks dry ice in some of its stores occasionally in 2025. Therefore, it is advisable to check with your local Meijer store about the availability before you go shopping. The price of dry ice at Meijer varies depending on the type in stock, e.g., Penguin Brand Dry Ice, 1 ct is $2.59/lb.

For more insight into knowing if your local Meijer store has dry ice, where to find dry ice at Meijer, how much it costs, alternative stores, and much more, read on!

How Much Is Dry Ice at Meijer?

The price of dry ice at Meijer varies depending on the type. For instance:

Note that the above prices might vary if using coupons or if the product is on promotion or at discounted prices.

Where Do I Find Dry Ice at Meijer?

If you are shopping in-store at Meijer, you can find dry ice in Aisle 91, but it is not constant. Also, not all Meijer locations sell dry ice.

Therefore, if you do not find it in Aisle 91, it’s essential to inquire from the store’s manager or an associate.

If they have it at the back of the store, they’ll get your desired amount to you, but they’ll let you know if it’s out of stock.

How Do I Find Out If My Local Meijer Store Has Dry Ice?

Finding out if your local Meijer store has dry ice in stock is quite simple; all you have to do is phone your local store and request information about the stock available.

The call will save you on time you would have spent visiting the store, only to find out dry ice is unavailable.

However, you could visit the store in person and ask the associates about its availability.

Moreover, you can check the availability of a specific brand of ice on using the following steps:

  1. Identify the type of ice you would like to purchase online
  2. Check if it’s available within your locality by clicking “check nearby stores”
  3. Enter your city, address, and ZIP code to narrow the search
  4. The stores selling the product within ten miles will be displayed
  5. If there is none, you can extend your search to twenty or fifty miles

Why Doesn’t Meijer Always Have Dry Ice?

Why Doesn’t Meijer Always Have Dry Ice?

Meijer doesn’t always have dry ice in stock because it’s not a product in high demand all year round.

Consequently, Meijer stores that carry dry ice stock it when the product is in high demand.

Moreover,  some Meijer stores never stock dry ice, while others run out of stock.

Meijer sells dry ice in close to half of its stores. Therefore, if your local Meijer store doesn’t have it when you need it, then another Meijer store nearby might.

How Do I Buy Dry Ice at Meijer?

You can either buy dry ice at or in-store. If you want to purchase it in-store, you will pay for it like a typical product.

On the flip side, if you want to buy dry ice online, you have to start by checking if there is an option to buy it online.

It’s important to note that some types of dry ice, like Penguin Brand Dry Ice, 1 ct, can only be purchased in-store.

You can also use Instacart to deliver the dry ice you buy at Meijer if it is available.

Which Grocery Stores Sell Dry Ice?

As highlighted earlier, Meijer stocks dry ice occasionally. Therefore, if you can’t find dry ice at your favorite Meijer store, you can check for it in the following stores:

  • Costco: only some Costco stores stock dry ice; therefore, call before visiting the store
  • Kroger: most Kroger stores sell dry ice blocks and pellets
  • Walmart: Not all Walmart stores stock ice, so call to inquire before visiting one
  • Safeway: You can buy dry ice at Safeway if you live on the west coast
  • Publix: you can visit Publix to purchase dry ice if you live in the southeastern part like Florida
  • Walgreens: you can purchase dry ice pellets at any Walgreens location

To know more, you can also read our posts on whether or not Dollar General sells ice, if CVS sells ice, and if Lowe’s sells dry ice.


Meijer stocks dry ice in some of its stores occasionally. The price of dry ice will depend on the variety you prefer. Moreover, some varieties can only be purchased in-store, whereas some can be bought at and in-store.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of

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