Does Target Sell Ouija Boards? (Do This Instead…)

Target sells a number of toys and products for families to enjoy, but if you want something spookier for a sleepover or Halloween party, you may be looking to enact the old tradition of using an ouija board to speak to spirits.

So does Target sell Ouija Boards? I’ve done my research, and here’s what I found out!

Does Target Sell Ouija Boards?

Target does not currently sell Ouija Boards either in-store or online. Target did previously stock Ouija Boards, but they no longer sell them. Instead, customers can buy Ouija Boards at Walmart, Amazon, Hasbro, Barnes & Noble, and Toys’R’Us.

To learn more about why Target doesn’t sell these mystical board games and alternative places to buy them, keep on reading!

Why Doesn’t Target Sell Ouija Boards?

Target has not stated a specific reason as to why their stores do not sell Ouija Boards; however, as they have previously sold different brands and themed Ouija Boards, this may not be down to supernatural beliefs.

Local stores may choose not to sell Ouija Boards to respect the religious community around the store, as it is well-known that many Christian Americans disapprove of Ouija Boards.

Local Walmart stores have been known to do this to avoid conflict with the community, so that Target may have also taken this approach.

Alternatively, Target may avoid selling Ouija Boards simply because there isn’t much demand for them outside of the Halloween season.

While some stores may stock them online, like Walmart, demand may not be enough for Target to keep them available all year round.

Why Are Ouija Boards So Controversial?

Ouija Boards were first created in the 1890s as a toy for children produced and later mass-produced by Hasbro.

Hasbro currently owns the patent for the name ‘Ouija,’ though these have also been known as Spirit Board or Talking Board.

Mysticism has long followed the Ouija Board; however, this mysticism has led to multiple criticisms from Christian and Catholic communities, leading them to either advise against people using them or simply forbid the use of Ouija Boards altogether.

Though science has shown that Ouija Boards work from an ideomotor response, some believe using an Ouija Board would invite demons and spirits to possess them or cause havoc in people’s daily lives.

Target Alternatives To Ouija Boards

Target Alternatives To Ouija Boards

Target does not currently sell an alternative to Ouija Boards, however, they do stock a number of different Hasbro products both in-store and on

They may also reintroduce Ouija Boards at a later date, depending on the season and demand for the product.

What Stores Sell Ouija Boards?

Multiple stores will sell Ouija Boards online but may not stock them in local stores due to community feelings on the matter. Stores that sell Ouija Boards and Spirit Boards through their website(s) include;

  • Walmart
  • Hasbro
  • Amazon
  • Barnes & Noble
  • Toys’R’Us

Local board game and tabletop gaming stores may also sell Ouija Boards – simply check by searching ‘stores that sell Ouija Boards near me’ through your search engine of choice and either enter your location or allow your browser to see your location.

Where Else Can I Buy A Ouija Board?

There are a number of small businesses and sellers online which sell personalized or thematic Ouija Boards on the web; some through their online store and some through websites such as Etsy or Big Cartel.

These online sellers will be able to offer a wider variety of spirit boards to use as they can be personalized with your preferences before being sent off to your home.

You can choose from printed spirit boards on cardboard to fully etched wooden spirit boards in multiple shapes and sizes.

It is worth noting that these sellers may charge more than stores do for regular Ouija Boards as they are custom-made.

For more information on products, you can see our other guide on whether or not Target sells MacBooks, if Target sells Nike, and if Target sells Yeti.


Target does not sell Ouija Boards, either in-store or via

This may be down to demand for the product, or possibly to avoid conflict with the local communities of their stores due to the controversial nature of Ouija Boards.

However, a number of stores will still sell Ouija Boards through their website, such as Walmart and Barnes & Noble.

Small businesses and sellers on websites such as Etsy can also create personalized and thematic Ouija Boards to suit your tastes, though these will come with a very different price range.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of

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