Does USPS Deliver To Jamaica? (All You Need To Know)

Sending mail overseas can be intimidating, as there are many small details you need to be aware of.

Fortunately, though, the United States Postal Service makes shipping so easy that you don’t even have to step foot inside a Post Office most of the time.

However, if you’re shipping to Jamaica, will USPS be able to mail your package? Is Jamaica one of the 180+ nations to which USPS can offer service? If you’d like the answer to this question, keep reading for more facts!

Does USPS Deliver To Jamaica In 2025?

The United States Postal Service delivers both letters and parcels to Jamaica, though customers must abide by all prohibitions on either side. USPS services to Jamaica include Global Express Guaranteed, Priority Mail Express International, Priority Mail International and First-Class International, among others. Additionally, prices start at just $1.30 for postcards as of 2025.

To learn more about how shipping to Jamaica works, how much it costs for different services, how long you can expect it to take and who does the last-leg delivery, keep reading!

How Does USPS Shipping To Jamaica Work?

To purchase postage for a letter to Jamaica, you only need to head to the Post Office and purchase a Global Forever Stamp for $1.30 USD.

You can collect this stamp either at the counter, or, save yourself some time and wait (if the line is long) and complete the transaction at a Self-Service kiosk if your branch has one.

However, to send a package, you have more options (albeit higher expenses).

First, let’s examine the different types of international shipping USPS offers to Jamaica. Listed below is each service, the estimated delivery window and where the price point starts.

Be aware, though, that these starting prices are for .5 lbs. of weight (as the weight of your package increases, so does the price spike).

These include the following:

Global Express Guaranteed:

  • 1-3 business days, delivery is guaranteed or your money back
  • Starts at $75.80

Priority Mail Express International:

  • 3-5 business days (unfortunately, Jamaica is not one of the countries where Priority Express is guaranteed or your money back)
  • Starts at $60.45 for packages of .5-lb
  • Flat-Rate envelopes for $68.95

Priority Mail International:

  • 6-10 business days
  • Starts at $50.20 for packages of .5-lb
  • Flat-Rate envelopes for $38.95
  • Flat-Rate boxes start at $40.50

First-Class Package International:

  • At least a week or more, upwards of two weeks
  • Starts at $16.25

As you can see, Global Express Guaranteed is the fastest service for when you’re on a tight deadline, but is also the most expensive (and it gets pricier as the weight increases).

First-Class Package International is much more affordable, but only if you’re in no rush about getting the parcel to Jamaica.

However, Priority International Flat-Rate shipping is a terrific option that merges affordability with some semblance of speed.

Once you have chosen which option you want (try using your package’s actual specifications at the USPS calculator tool), you can create and print the label.

USPS’s Click-N-Ship program also walks you through the customs form.

Make sure you also write to and from addresses on the actual package itself; that way, if the label falls off or gets defaced, the Postal workers can print a new one.

Follow this link for a handy guide for addressing mail to Jamaica. Finally, you can also arrange for a package pick-up online.

However, if you prefer to have someone at the Post Office handle it, you can always take your parcel/items into your location.

How Much Is It To Mail A Letter To Jamaica Through USPS?

Mailing a letter that is less than one ounce from the United States to Jamaica only costs $1.30 for a Forever Global Stamp, which is good not only for Jamaica, but all around the world.

However, if your letter is a little heavier than one ounce, additional postage may be necessary.

How Much Does It Cost To Send A USPS Package To Jamaica?

How Much Does It Cost To Send A USPS Package To Jamaica?

To estimate how much it will cost to send your package to Jamaica you can do the following:

  • See the list of prices above
  • Visit this link to view the breakdown of services and prices by weight; you will also need this chart, which includes Jamaica’s postal zones
  • Visit com’s postage calculator to get a more definite price using your package’s weight and dimensions

How Long Does It Take USPS To Deliver To Jamaica?

The length of time it takes USPS mail to get to Jamaica from the U.S. depends largely on which service you have selected.

As well, estimated arrival dates could also depend on whether there are unprecedented events taking place that would slow service, such as a natural disaster or global crisis.

Nevertheless, you can ship your item with Global Express Guaranteed, which is the most expensive method, but also the fastest, as it ships within 1-3 business days.

Priority Mail Express International takes 3-5 business days, Priority Mail International takes 6-10, and First-Class International trails with estimates two weeks upward.

However, these above estimates are based on a smooth journey with no major upheavals that could affect shipping.

Who Delivers Mail In Jamaica?

According to one source, the most likely “last-mile” delivery service for mail in Jamaica is the Jamaica Post.

The Jamaica Post is the national network of Post Offices in the country, not unlike in the United States.

When sending a package through USPS, the mail enters the country, clears customs and then is handed over to Jamaica Post for local delivery.

If you want to know more, you can also see our posts on whether or not USPS ships to Colombia, if USPS ships to France, and if USPS ships to Hong Kong.


Sending mail to Jamaica via the United States Postal Service can be as inexpensive as $1.30 USD for a letter, though parcels can cost as much as $500+ at the max weight.

Additionally, before shipping anything, it’s always best to double-check that you aren’t sending anything that is prohibited either through the U.S. Postal Service or by Jamaican law.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of

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