How Much Does It Cost to Ship 10 Lbs With USPS? (All You Need to Know)

Whether it’s a dumbbell you aren’t planning to use anymore or a beautifully sculpted bust of grandma, mailing something that weighs 10 lbs. will have you weighing your options.

Of all the shipping companies out there, USPS tends to be the most affordable, but you’ll have to pick from a few different mail classes. So, if you’re wondering how much to ship 10 lbs. with USPS, we have the info and prices you need, so keep reading!

How Much Does It Cost to Ship 10 Lbs With USPS In 2025?

To ship 10 lbs. with the United States Postal Service, you can choose from a few different mail classes, including Priority Mail, Priority Mail Express, Retail Ground, and, for some customers, Parcel Select Ground or Media Mail. The cheapest option is just $8.86 (Media Mail), while the most expensive could cost $158.55 (Priority Mail Express) in 2025.

There are a lot of prices in between those two points, so we’re going to break down all the options for you, as well as describe the Postal Service’s pricing rubric across different mail classes. Keep reading to learn more!

What Is the Cheapest Way to Ship a 10 Lb. Package With USPS?

While you cannot send a 10-lb. package through First-Class Package (that service maxes out at just 13 ounces), you do have plenty of other shipping options through USPS.

Let’s take a look at those, and you can decide for yourself which class best suits your budget:

  • Media Mail – Media Mail, as mentioned above in the intro, is the cheapest way to ship 10 lbs. of package.

However, it can only be used for very specific educational materials (but that does include books).

So, unfortunately, unless your item(s) meets that very stringent eligibility (and USPS is authorized to open and check Media Mail), this one is out of the running for many.

If you are, by some chance, sending books, music, or other qualifying items, expect to pay just $8.86.

One of the best things about Media Mail is that price is determined by weight only, not weight and distance.

  • Priority Mail – Priority Mail may be your next cheapest option for a 10-lb. package, depending on where it is heading.

Priority Mail does take distance into account, however, and the further the package has to go, the more expensive it will get.

At 10 lbs., pricing starts at $14.10 for local delivery or to Zones 1 and 2.

(To learn what Zones other cities are in relation to your location, check out this helpful map or calculator).

That can go all the way up to $95 if the destination is in Zone 9.

Destinations within the continental U.S. tend to max out at Zone 8, however, which costs $46.30.

You can find all the Zoned pricing here.

  • Priority Mail Flat Rate – A subset of Priority Mail, Flat Rate pricing is an excellent option for a 10-lb. shipment.

Of course, you’ll have to be able to fit your item into an envelope or one of the USPS Flat Rate boxes.

But the great thing about Flat Rate shipping is that you have all the perks of Priority Mail (insurance, Tracking, 2-3 day delivery window), with no Zoned pricing rubric.

Instead, envelopes start at $8.95 and small boxes at just $9.45. Medium Flat Rate boxes are $16.10, and large ones are $21.50.

If you’re shipping your 10-lb. item to Zone 6 or further, and it fits in a Flat Rate envelope/box, you will save this way, versus Priority Mail regular.

  • Retail Ground – This shipping option is preferable for customers who don’t mind the 2-8 business day delivery window.

Because it’s a non-rush shipping option, it’s also very affordable.

A 10-lb. parcel starts at just $13.90 for Zones 1 and 2, up to just $38.95 for both Zones 8 and 9.

  • Parcel Select Ground – This shipping class is available only through third-party postage companies like, and is mainly used by regular shippers (like small business owners).

If that’s you, then consider this: A 10-lb. package costs just $9.44 to ship to Zones 1 and 2, up to just $17.83 to Zones 8 and 9.

It’s a real deal, for shippers with the volume to qualify.

  • Priority Mail Express – Finally, we come to the most expensive option.

This is a matter of budget, though, and if the price is no barrier, then you should certainly take advantage of the Express shipping – next day or 2-day.

A 10-lb. parcel starts at $44.10; in Zone 8 it’s $115.85, and in Zone 9, a whopping $158.55.

The thing with Priority Mail Express, though, is that insurance and Tracking are included, and the service comes with a money-back guarantee.

If your package doesn’t make it to the destination by the date quoted, you get a refund.

  • Priority Mail Express Flat Rate – Priority Mail Express only comes with Flat Rate envelopes, but if you’re sending something that fits, you could save a lot.

Envelopes start at just $26.95.

How Much Does It Cost to Ship 10 Lbs. With Priority Mail?

The base price to ship a 10-lb. package via Priority Mail is $14.10.

But remember, Priority Mail follows a Zoned pricing rubric, so the further away from the destination, the more expensive it will be.

A Zone 8 destination will set you back $46.30 and Zone 9 costs $95.

Does USPS Charge by Weight or Size?

Size only rarely comes into play when it comes to USPS pricing; the more common factors are weight and destination.

Occasionally, though, misshapen or extra-large sizes can warrant additional charges on top of the usual postage.

Size is also important when considering Flat Rate shipping, as items that fit into Flat Rate envelopes or boxes are priced regardless of destination.

To learn more about USPS shipping, you can also read our posts on USPS Flat Rate, USPS Priority Mail vs First Class, and the fastest USPS shipping method.


The price to ship 10 lbs. with USPS depends on which shipping class you opt for: Priority Mail, Priority Mail Express, Retail Ground, Parcel Select Ground, or Media Mail.

While the cheapest option, Media Mail, is limited to certain educational materials, the next cheapest, Retail Ground, can also be very slow. Weigh your options and your budget.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of

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