Amazon makes it incredibly easy to part with your money, and most major credit cards are accepted. Many customers maintain a few payment methods on their Amazon accounts, like a debit card and a credit card. But what if you accidentally use the wrong one?
If you are wondering how to change your payment methods on Amazon after purchase, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s what you need to know!
How To Change Payment Method On Amazon After Purchase In 2025?
Customers on are able to change their payment method up until the item they have purchased changes status to shipped as of 2025. After that point, customers will no longer be able to switch payment methods. Payment method changes can be achieved by visiting the individual order and selecting View order details.
To learn more about how to change the payment method on Amazon after you have made the purchase, what a revised payment method is, if Amazon charges your card right away and more, continue reading below!
Can You Change Credit Card After Amazon Purchase?
You can change the credit card being charged for an Amazon purchase after you have completed the transaction.
Amazon has made it incredibly simple to do, but with one caveat: In most cases, you have to act fast.
Once an item has “entered the shipping process” you will no longer be able to edit anything.
Items that are being shipped with Prime 1-day will require a particular speed in order to edit the payment method.
And here’s how to do it:
After you have made the purchase and realized you didn’t use the payment method you wanted, visit your Orders page.
Choose the order you want to change from the list (you can even narrow the field by looking only at Orders that haven’t yet shipped).
Under the order number in the upper-right corner, you should see View order details in blue, meaning it’s a clickable link.
Press on it and it will take you to the next page, which has some actionable options: Track package, change shipping speed and, of course, Change Payment Method.
If you don’t see Change Payment Method, you have unfortunately missed the window.
Doing this on the mobile app is similar; the buttons are in slightly different places, but the wording is consistent, so you might have to scroll a bit to find what you’re looking for.
What Is Revised Payment Method On Amazon?
If you receive a message from Amazon saying something like “payment revision is needed” it means that your card is unable to be charged.
This can happen when you try to use a card that has expired or your card has insufficient funds.
It means that the order has not been submitted and that in order to do so, you will need to update the card or choose a different payment method.
There is no real deadline to do this, as there is when you want to change payment method after an order has been submitted.
But of course, if you want your package to arrive as soon as possible you should take care of the matter likewise.
Does Amazon Charge Your Card Right Away?
In a move that frustrates some and delights others, Amazon doesn’t charge the payment card right away.
It charges when the shipping process is engaged and begins.
However, sometimes it happens quickly enough that it might as well be “right away”, especially for orders that are being shipped Prime 1-Day.
Can You Remove Payment Method On Amazon After Purchase?
Shoppers are unable to remove the payment method being used on an active order.
However, you can cancel the entire order and then remove the payment method, but to do this, you must act before the order is shipped.
Once the order has started moving as part of the shipping process, the only thing you can do is wait until it arrives, initiate a return, get your money back and then remove the card.
To learn more, you can also read our posts on whether or not Amazon accepts Sezzle, if Amazon accepts Paysafecard, and if Amazon accepts Klarna.
Changing your payment method after placing an order on Amazon is easy to do, but you must act fast.
Only orders that have not entered the shipping process can be edited in this way; once the process has been initiated, it’s too late to change your payment method.