Is ASOS a Good Brand? (All You Need to Know)

ASOS is popular globally for its wide range of items that include clothes, shoes, and accessories.

However, if you regularly buy from ASOS, you might be wondering whether it’s a good brand. Is the brand trustworthy, ethical, and authentic? Well, I did some research, and here’s what I found out!

Is ASOS a Good Brand in 2024?

ASOS is considered a good brand by some of it’s customers based on the good prices, original items from reputable brands, and good services the company provides in 2024. However, there are also some complaints about poor quality items and late deliveries. Additionally, as a fast-fashion company, ASOS has some ethical and sustainability issues.

Read on for more information about whether ASOS is a good brand, including if it’s a trustworthy company, if the brands ASOS sells are fake, along with other related facts!

What Makes ASOS a Good Brand?

Some customers think ASOS is a good brand because it has a decent selection of items. You can get a wide variety of items, from vintage pieces to items from top brands.

In addition, other customers like ASOS because the company has offers such as student discounts, free shipping, and affordable prices on most of its items.

Is ASOS Trustworthy?

Based on customer reviews, ASOS is trusted by some customers, while others don’t find the brand very reliable.

For example, if you check ratings on reputable review site Trustpilot, ASOS has a strong rating of 4 out of 5 stars.

This rating is high, considering the site has more than 155,000 reviews from customers.

As well, most of the positive comments listed are about the services of the customer support team in resolving issues.

However, on the same site, there are also some negative reviews.

ASOS has an issue with late deliveries and delivering poor-quality items. In addition, sometimes, ASOS’ customer service team is not always available and responsive.

AS well, customers have acknowledged that ASOS has had issues processing orders and refunds from product returns.

In fact, ASOS reviews on a different website, Sitejabber, show that the retailer has a low rating at 1.72 out of 5 stars.

From the rating, it’s clear that most customers were dissatisfied with the purchases at ASOS.

Overall, ASOS isn’t considered to be entirely trustworthy because some of its services aren’t efficient for all customers.

Are ASOS Brands Fake?

Are ASOS Brands Fake?

According to the ASOS website, this retailer only stocks authentic and genuine products.

ASOS sources all its products directly from fashion brands, ensuring that customers don’t buy any fake items.

However, if you buy an item from ASOS and are dissatisfied with your order, you can return it for a full refund.

Apart from running the in-house ASOS brand, the company also stocks legit items from Nike, Adidas, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, and more.

Apart from the main website, ASOS also runs the ASOS Marketplace, ensuring that all the platform products are legitimate.

According to representatives from the company, ASOS is committed to protecting buyers and sellers from getting counterfeit products.

Therefore, to ensure this happens, ASOS has a Fashion Police patrol responsible for checking the site for any counterfeit products and removing suspicious ones.

Further, to protect customers, ASOS reports boutiques selling fake products on the Marketplace to the authorities.

Is ASOS Ethical?

While ASOS claims to be sustainable, reports show that this company is not ethical.

ASOS is not considered ethical because of the questionable labor policies and production processes the company is linked to that are harmful to people, the environment, and animals.

In fact, in 2021, ASOS scored 47% in the Fashion Transparency Index.

This score was handed out because nothing from ASOS’ supply chain has been certified by the labor standards that monitor worker safety, labor rights, and living wages.

Currently, ASOS only publishes the company policies used to protect workers during the 2020 pandemic and a list of suppliers.

However, the company isn’t transparent about whether daily wages in the supply chain are paid.

Although ASOS is open about supplier policies, audits, forced labor, gender equality, and freedom of association, this is not a guarantee that the company is ethical.

ASOS has a formal animal welfare policy dictating that it doesn’t use fur, angora, exotic animal skin, or hair. 

As well, the company banned mohair, feathers, cashmere, down silk, bone, horn, and shell from their platform.

However, Despite all this, ASOS is not transparent about where the leather used in its products comes from.

Is ASOS Sustainable?

ASOS has taken some steps to become environmentally sustainable, but it’s still not good enough.

As of 2024, at least 34% of all fibers used by ASOS are from sustainable sources.

In addition, ASOS sells second-hand and vintage clothes on ASOS Marketplace to reduce carbon emissions that come from new clothes.

In 2010, ASOS launched the Responsible Edit clothing line, which uses a minimum of 50% recycled fiber, less water, and exerts less waste during production.

However, there’s no proof that ASOS has any water reduction initiatives in its supply chain.

This Responsible Edit clothing line was meant to lower the environmental impact, but it has not been beneficial.

ASOS pledged to source 100 % of its cotton from exclusive sustainable sources by 2025, but only 5,000 out of 40,000 products are from the Responsible Edit collection.

Additionally, the retailer made a public commitment to become a net-zero emissions company by 2030, but there’s no evidence of a clear set target that ASOS is working towards.

However, ASOS is working on upgrading the packaging used for orders to become eco-friendly and clothes recyclable by 2027.

As well, ASOS’ carbon emissions also need work, so the company is already working on more efficient transportation methods.

Currently, ASOS is utilizing electric vans, using renewable energy in company buildings, and installing efficient LED lights in the warehouses.

Is ASOS Fast Fashion?

ASOS is among the brands considered as fast fashion.

This company sells inexpensive clothing items that are produced fast for the mass market in response to the latest trends in the market.

Additionally, ASOS is fast fashion because it releases tons of new designs each week or daily.

As well, the clothes ASOS sells are manufactured cheaply in large factories in developing countries in Africa and Asia, and workers are paid living wages.

Further, during the 2020 pandemic, ASOS had stopped paying its employees in the garment factories but resumed after external pressure.

Therefore, because of such issues, ASOS sunk from 55% in 2020 to 47% in 2021 on the Fashion Transparency Index.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on whether or not ASOS delivers on Saturdays or Sundays, ASOS order never arrived, and does ASOS ship to Canada.


ASOS is considered a good brand by some of its customers due to the good prices, original items from reputable brands, and good services. However, there are also some complaints about poor quality items from some brands and late deliveries.

As well, as a fast-fashion company, ASOS has some ethical and sustainability issues. ASOS claims to be ethical, but is not transparent about the labor policies and working conditions of company warehouses and factories.

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Cara Suppa

Cara Suppa has been freelance writing for over a decade and holds a BA in English and an MS in Integrated Marketing Communications. Outside of work, she is an avid cook, gardener, and discount shopper.

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