In 2017, McDonald’s changed their uniform dress code for all U.S. stores, which went along with several other new changes and innovations McDonald’s was making at the time.
But what exactly is the McDonald’s dress code for U.S. locations? Are you curious about whether piercings and tattoos are allowed? Keep reading, and I’ll tell you all about it!
McDonald’s Dress Code
McDonald’s dress code consists of a uniform that’s supplied by the company with a gray shirt, gray apron, and gray hat. Managers also receive a tie as part of the uniform. Further, McDonald’s employees cannot wear jeans, cannot have extreme hair colors, and must remove all facial piercings unless approved by the supervisor.
We know there are a lot of questions when it comes to the McDonald’s dress code, so read on because I’ve got all the answers!
Does McDonald’s Give You a Uniform?
McDonald’s does give you a uniform to wear, which includes the newer 2017 gray shirt, gray apron, and a gray hat for workers.
Additionally, a manager will also get a tie with their uniform to make them stand out from the regular crew.
McDonald’s does not include a pair of pants with the uniform, and you have to purchase that item yourself!
Can You Wear Jeans to Work at McDonald’s?
You cannot wear jeans to work at McDonald’s, and the company has strict guidelines on what kinds of pants are acceptable.
Additionally, ripped jeans or jeans with holes are completely against the rules at McDonald’s since the company doesn’t allow jeans of any kind for employees!
Can You Wear Yoga Pants to Work at McDonald’s?
You cannot wear yoga pants if you’re working at McDonald’s, and the company doesn’t allow leggings of any kind to be worn if you’re working at the store.
Can You Wear Running Pants to Work at McDonald’s?
Running pants are also not allowed if you’re working at McDonald’s, and you cannot wear any active type of pants.
Can You Wear Cargo Pants to Work at McDonald’s?
Cargo pants are not acceptable pants to wear if you’re working at McDonald’s, regardless if they are black.
What Pants Are Acceptable If You Work at McDonald’s?
McDonald’s dress code policy requires you to wear formal or good-looking casual black pants such as slacks or typical business pants for men and women.
Are McDonald’s Employees Allowed Facial Piercings?

Unfortunately, McDonald’s doesn’t allow facial piercings such as near the mouth as part of their grooming policy, and you cannot have a ring or hoop nose piercing either.
However, in some instances, a regular stud nose piercing is acceptable, but the supervisor must approve of it first.
You’re allowed to have an eyebrow piercing as long as it’s a small stud or ring, and it’s been approved by the supervisor.
If you get a piercing and it cannot be removed, you’ll be asked to stay home until enough time has passed that the piercing can come out without issue.
Can McDonald’s Employees Dye Their Hair?
McDonald’s doesn’t allow employees to wear extreme hair dye, which means non-natural hair color is not permitted.
While a deep magenta could be acceptable if it looked natural, bright colors such as pink, green, and blue are out of the question.
Can McDonald’s Employees Have Tattoos?
Tattoos should be covered up if you’re working at McDonald’s, especially more extreme tattoos or vulgar tattoos.
Further, the discretion about whether a tattoo is acceptable or not falls to the General Manager or Area Supervisor.
What Kind of Shoes Does a McDonald’s Employee Need?
You will be required to have black non-slip shoes as part of your uniform for McDonald’s, which you must pay for yourself within 30 days of starting the job.
Additionally, you can choose to order shoes for McDonald’s from a “Shoes for Crew” catalog, and the cost of the shoes will be deducted from your paycheck.
Can You Wear Facial Hair at McDonald’s as an Employee?
A mustache is permitted, but you must trim your mustache so that it’s not reaching your upper lip, and beards are not permitted at all.
In addition to that, you are allowed to have a goatee or have sideburns as long as it’s groomed and doesn’t go past the earlobe.
Are McDonald’s Employees Allowed to Wear Jewelry?
You’re able to wear limited amounts of jewelry while working at McDonald’s, but you cannot wear watches or bracelets due to safety issues.
Additionally, you are only allowed 3 earrings in each ear, and they cannot be dangling or hoop earrings due to safety concerns.
You cannot wear chains openly and are required to tuck them into your shirt while working.
Further, the supervisor holds all discretion on what jewelry is considered acceptable and not while on the clock.
Are There Hair Grooming Policies for Employees at McDonald’s?
McDonald’s requires that both men and women keep their hair tied back so it’s not any longer than the collar on the shirt.
Additionally, you must wear your hat at all times, and you can wear a Do-rag if it’s black and kept tucked in under the hat.
Does McDonald’s Allow for Head Coverings for Religious Beliefs?
McDonald’s doesn’t discriminate against employees with religious beliefs where a head covering is part of their normal outfit.
Turbans, hijabs, and head scarfs are acceptable as long as it’s dark in color, clean, and not distracting.
Are Reasonable Exceptions Made to the McDonald’s Dress Code as an Employee?
There are always exceptions to the rules for how you have to dress at McDonald’s as an employee, including for both medical reasons and religious reasons.
If you feel your situation requires special accommodation, you can talk to the area supervisor or manager to get approval.
To find out more about McDonald’s, you can also read our related articles on whether or not McDonald’s drug test, what is McDonald’s orientation, how to call in sick at McDonald’s, McDonald’s employee discount, and if you can work at McDonald’s at 14.