Meijer Dress Code (Requirements, Uniform Policy + More)

Just like any other store in the retail industry, Meijer has a dress code that distinguishes its employees from customers in the store.

So, if you are looking forward to working at Meijer and would like to know more about the store’s dress code, read on and get informed!

What Is Meijer’s Dress Code In 2025?

Meijer’s employee dress code comprises a company shirt, a pair of black or khaki pants, and closed-toed shoes in 2025. The company expects associates to tuck in the shirts and also allows hats in selected departments. Consequently, the dress code helps customers distinguish associates from other customers and hence improves their overall customer experience.

If you want to find more information on Meijer’s dress code, the kind of pants and shoes allowed, whether shorts, colored hair, and tattoos are allowed, and more, keep reading!

What Do Meijer Employees Wear?

Generally, Meijer employees wear a company-provided shirt that is tucked in and paired with black or khaki pants.

The store allows associates to wear white, black, red, or navy long sleeve shirts/thermals under the company’s shirt if it’s cold or chilly outside.

 In addition, associates are also allowed to wear navy blue light, non-hooded jackets over the company-provided shirts.

The specified jackets can be bought at the store, although associates can wear something similar to them.

Other departments expect the associates to wear hats and aprons as part of their dress code.

With regards to the shoes, employees are allowed to wear any kind of shoes as long as they are closed-toed, clean, neat, and comfortable.

The company doesn’t allow employees to wear heels, sandals, or flip-flops to work.

Generally, Meijer encourages associates to wear comfortable shoes, mainly because they will be on their feet during the shifts.

What Do Meijer Pharmacy Techs Wear?

Meijer pharmacy techs wear either pharmacy smocks or lab coats with their name tags.

What Type of Pants Do Meijer Employees Wear?

Meijer employees are allowed to wear black pants or khaki pants.  Associates also have to tuck in their shirts in order to complete the look.

The store observes this dress code strictly and doesn’t allow associates to wear leggings during their shifts.

Due to this strict policy on dress code, the store does not allow associates to wear denim pants, cargo, or capri pants, even if they’re black or tan color.

Can You Wear Shorts at Meijer?

Although Meijer’s dress code stipulates that its associates should wear pants as bottoms, a few stores allow associates to wear knee-length shorts as long as they’re black or khaki.

The shorts are particularly allowed for associates working outside the stores, such as those working in the curbside pick-up.

However, associates working in the food section are prohibited from wearing shorts during working hours.

Can I Have Colored Hair at Meijer?

You can have colored or dyed hair while working at Meijer.

Currently, the company doesn’t provide any policy that discriminates against unnaturally colored hair.

Furthermore, several employees at Meijer have acknowledged having colored hair without any discrimination at the store.

Does Meijer Allow Facial Hair?

Does Meijer Allow Facial Hair?

Meijer employees are allowed to have facial hair except for employees working in produce departments such as Deli, bakery, and meat.

Other locations might allow employees working in the produce department to have facial hair, as long as they wear beard nets during their shift.

The restriction of facial hair in the produce department is a measure of food safety since hair is considered a physical contaminant in food.

Does Meijer Allow Facial Piercings?

Meijer allows facial piercings as long as the employee wears clear retainers or a skin-colored band-aid covering.

However, employees working in the fresh produce department might be asked to remove facial piercings (except for earrings).

Can You Wear Earrings at Meijer?

You can wear earrings at Meijer regardless of the department you are working in.

Although Meijer might have a few restrictions over other types of piercings, earrings do not receive any scrutiny.

Can You Wear Nails at Meijer?

You can wear nails at Meijer as long as they are of reasonable length and don’t prevent you from performing your duties at the store.

In fact, Meijer allows employees to ‘personalize’ themselves and does not have any rules discriminating against nails. 

However, the food processing department may be restrictive on wearing fake nails and the application of nail polish to avoid contamination and maintain food safety.

Can Meijer Employees Wear Hats?

Meijer employees are allowed to wear hats in selected departments.

Can You Wear Jeans at Meijer?

Unfortunately, you cannot wear jeans at Meijer since you are only allowed to wear black or khaki pants.

Can You Have Tattoos at Meijer?

You can have tattoos showing at Meijer, as long as the tattoos are not too flashy or offensive.

According to reviews from former and current employees, Meijer doesn’t discriminate against employees with tattoos.

The company is open to hiring and retaining employees with tattoos based on their qualifications in the role.

What Should I Wear for an Interview at Meijer?

As a candidate anticipating employment at Meijer, you should wear decent attire ranging from business-casual to formal on the day of the interview.

For entry-level grocery store jobs, business casual attire is best when interviewing at the store.

However, for managerial positions, candidates should attend the interview in formal attire.

It is important to note that how you present yourself on the interview day will represent the type of employee you will be.

Hence, it is essential to pay attention to being smartly and decently dressed, as well as being on time.

What Should I Wear on My First Day at Meijer?

On your first day at Meijer, you should wear decent attire, preferably formal wear before you receive your company shirt.

Once you receive the company shirt and the name tag, you should strive to adhere to the company’s dress code.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on whether or not Meijer drug tests, does Meijer own Kroger, and is Meijer unionized.


Meijer has a dress code that mandates associates to wear company-provided shirts and black or khaki pants as the bottoms.

The employees are also expected to wear closed-toed shoes that are comfortable so that they can withstand the long working hours at the store.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of

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