15 Most Stolen Items From Walmart! (You’d Never Guess It)

Walmart prides itself on offering one of the largest possible ranges of products and services to its millions of everyday customers.

However, as a result of this range of products, Walmart attracts a large number of shoplifters!

You may be wondering what the most stolen items from Walmart are. Some of them may just surprise you! Here is everything I have managed to find out!

15 Most Stolen Items From Walmart!

1. Cosmetics

Surprisingly enough, cosmetics are frequently stolen from stores such as Walmart, generally due to their size.

Products such as lipsticks and small make-up items can easily be slipped into pockets and bags without leaving a visible imprint to incriminate.

2. Portable Electronics

Electronics are highly tempting items to steal from stores due to their perceived value. Yet again, the most common electronics stolen are those that are of a smaller size and can be easily hidden.

Larger and more expensive electronics are generally stored behind locked doors in Walmart stores, so loose smaller electronics are more viable for shoplifters.

3. Packed Meats

It sounds unbelievable, but it’s true. Meat thieves have been a staple of shoplifting for more than 20 years at this point.

It is unclear why the item is so popular with shoplifters…

4. Alcohol

Again, this generally tends to be the case with more expensive alcohol that comes in smaller containers, making them more inconspicuous when being slipped into a bag or pocket.

5. Cell Phone Accessories

15 Most Stolen Items From Walmart In 2025

Cell phone accessories such as chargers and cases can easily be hidden on a shoplifter’s person, especially phone cases, which can be slipped directly onto their personal device right there in the store!

6. Baby Formula

Again, it’s unclear why baby formula is so popular with so many shoplifters, though my research has shown that there is a potentially high resale value for baby formula, meaning that profit is ready to be made!

7. Sunglasses

This could perhaps be due to the fact that a customer can very easily walk up to a glasses department, slip a pair onto their face, and walk straight out!

8. DVDs, Blu-rays and Video Games

These can also be quite easily slipped into bags and pockets, and are usually very expensive, making them lucrative!

9. Razor Blades

If you were to head into a Walmart store, or a number of other grocery stores, you may find that razor blades are now protected behind locked doors.

This is because they were a highly popular item amongst shoplifters for some time!

10. Over The Counter Drugs

This one can largely be put down to the difficulty inherent in accessing them!

Over-the-counter drugs would fetch a high price elsewhere due to being harder to access in-store.

11. Cigarettes

Again, these need to be picked up over the counter, and cannot be sold to people below the age of 21, thus will fetch a decent price outside of the store!

12. Jewellery

12. Jewellery

This can easily be hidden in pockets and bags and will fetch a massive amount outside of the store.

13. Sporting Goods

Sporting goods can be rather expensive, thus, the idea of shoplifting them could be seen as alluring.

14. Jeans

Jeans have always been a popular take with shoplifters, once being stolen frequently from changing rooms. They still remain popular to this very day!

15. Swimsuits

These can very easily be hidden in bags and pockets, making them easy to steal.

What Is The Most Shoplifted Walmart In America?

This, of course, is not the best award for any store to be given. Unfortunately, this title has been placed on a number of Walmart stores throughout the US!

There is no clearly defined ‘most shoplifted’, but locations that are heavily shoplifted include stores in Westwood Cincinnati, and Mankato Minnesota’s Walmart holds the title of the most shoplifted store in that area!

To learn more, you can also learn how Walmart tracks shoplifters and if Walmart presses charges when they catch shoplifters.

Additionally, don’t forget to see my post on the most sold items at Walmart!


A wide variety of items get stolen from Walmart every day. These tend to be smaller items that can be easily hidden and thus go unnoticed when brought out unpaid for!

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of QuerySprout.com.

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