T-Mobile Waive Activation Fee (Can It Be Done + Different Methods)

Are you considering joining the T-Mobile network, but wonder, can T-Mobile waive the activation fee? Do you want to know how it can be done if possible?

Well, we have been looking into this topic and found the answer, so read further to learn all about our research!

T-Mobile Waive Activation Fee In 2025

T-Mobile doesn’t have a standard activation fee, but they will charge you $20 to get the T-Mobile SIM card needed to run on the T-Mobile network in 2025. That said, T-Mobile charges an activation fee if you use a customer service representative to activate a line of service, and it can be waived depending on the situation.

Are you looking for more information about what you can do to get out of the activation fee if you use customer support? If so, don’t stop reading, as we have even more to share with you below!

How Much Is The T-Mobile Activation Fee?

T-Mobile recently raised its activation fee to $35, which puts it into the same range as rivals such as Verizon.

Can T-Mobile Waive The Activation Fee?

Yes, T-Mobile can waive the activation fee in certain situations if you’ve used a customer service associate to help you activate a line on your account.

However, for this to be done, a manager or senior sales representative needs to approve the waiver before you can get the activation fee waived.

When Does T-Mobile Charge An Activation Fee?

T-Mobile charges an activation fee if you need the help of a customer service representative or associate to activate a line on your account or upgrade a line of service.

Further, T-Mobile doesn’t call this an activation fee but considers it an “Assisted Support” charge or “Upgrade Support” charge.

That said, if you upgrade your line of service or activate a line on your account through the T-Mobile website or app, you will not be charged the activation fee.

How Do You Get Out Of The T-Mobile Activation Fee?

How Do You Get Out Of The T-Mobile Activation Fee?

You’ll want to try one of the following methods listed below to get out of the activation fee.

1. Ask For A Senior Sales Rep

According to a T-Mobile sales rep, T-Mobile is likely to waive the activation fee in most situations, but you’ll need at least the senior sales rep to initiate the waiver.

However, it is possible that the senior sales representative isn’t there or is busy or simply won’t waive the activation, which is when you try the next method.

2. Ask For A Manager

Asking for a manager is almost essential if you want to attempt to get out of the T-Mobile activation fee if you used a T-Mobile associate to help you with activating a line.

Therefore, if you know you’re going to be activating a line and need a representative to walk you through the process, ask to speak to the manager about waiving the activation fee.

3. Mention Your Loyalty To T-Mobile

If you’ve been a loyal customer of T-Mobile for some time, you can try to use this to your advantage to get out of the activation fee.

For example, you can bring up that you’ve been a customer for ten years and have always paid your bill on time, and this could help you get the fee waived.

4. Check If Your Affiliations Have Deals With T-Mobile

Whether you belong to a club, school, or have a large employer, your affiliations can help get your T-Mobile activation fee waived.

To illustrate, if you go to college, it’s possible that you can get your T-Mobile phone through the school, and T-Mobile waives the fee for those that choose this method.

However, it may be difficult to figure out which companies T-Mobile has affiliations with, so you should ask your school, employer, or other organization if they are affiliated with T-Mobile.

5. Add A Line Or Upgrade Online Or Through The T-Mobile App

To avoid all of the hassles of asking the T-Mobile activation fee to be waived, it’s best to add a line or upgrade your line using the T-Mobile app or the T-Mobile website.

For example, if you use the app or website, you don’t need to speak to a customer service associate, and the fee is no longer an issue.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on T-Mobile return policy defective phone, T-Mobile return policy, and T-Mobile QR code.


T-Mobile doesn’t charge a standard activation fee, but if you need help from a customer service associate to upgrade services or add a line, there is a $35 activation fee.

However, T-Mobile doesn’t consider this an activation fee but instead calls it a “support charge,” and it can be waived, but you’ll need a manager or senior sales representative to approve it.

Also, you can try to get out of this fee by asking to have it waived, mentioning your loyalty to T-Mobile, and seeing if your affiliations have deals that could get you out of the fee.

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Mackenzie Jerks

Mackenzie is a freelance writer and editor, published author, and music enthusiast who holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. When she’s not writing, Mackenzie is either wrapped up in a book, discovering new music, or introducing herself to a new fitness regimen.

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