711 makes all sorts of different food items. You once could only find Slurpees at its store, however, you can now also find a variety of baked goods.
As you might imagine, 711 does not craft many of these baked goods, as it does not have the manpower or equipment to do that. Instead, it purchases them from third-party sources. For information on where its donuts come from, keep reading!
Who Makes 711 Donuts In 2025?
711 purchases its donuts from local bakeries in 2025. Therefore, not all of its donuts come from the same place. However, they are all made with the same recipe, as they are basically the same donut no matter where you go. Still, we do not know exactly who originally created this recipe.
For everything you need to know about 711’s donuts, take a look below!
What Company Makes 711 Donuts?
Not all 711 stores carry donuts or other baked goods.
However, if your local store does, it seems plausible that they are purchasing its baked goods from a local bakery and having them delivered at regular intervals.
Furthermore, baked goods like donuts do not travel as well as food that is easily frozen, such as taquitos and pizza.
Therefore, it is better for the company to partner with local bakeries that can deliver these foods fresh.
What Kinds of Donuts Does 711 Have?
Many 711 stores do not carry donuts. However, those that do carry certain flavors, despite the fact that it got them fresh from local businesses.
Some of these flavors include Original Glazed, Choc Iced, Choc Iced Sprinkles, Choc Iced Custard, Strawberry Jam, and Strawberry Iced.
Of course, it does vary as not all flavors are available in every store.
Additionally, during certain times of the year, promotional donuts are also available.
How Much is a 711 Donut?
711 donuts can vary somewhat in price depending on your location.
However, they are typically very inexpensive at around $1. If you’re worried about price, your best option is to call your local store and ask for its specific donuts prices.
Usually, donuts are all the same cost no matter the flavor. Therefore, fancier donuts cost as much as a plain, glazed donut.
Are 711 Donuts Fresh?
711 donuts are one of the few items it sells that are actually fresh.
Furthermore, Local 771’s partners with local bakeries to ensure that fresh donuts are delivered daily.
Therefore, 711 donuts are also one of the few items that it can run out of. Once the store is out, it will have to wait until the following day to restock.
Does 711 Sell Cinnamon Rolls?
Some local stores do sell cinnamon rolls. Unlike many of its other bakery items, these cinnamon rolls are typically Pillsbury brand, so employees often cook them at the store.
Furthermore, they taste similar to the Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls that you can purchase at the local grocery store.
However, many stores do still have these rolls cooked overnight at bakeries and delivered in the morning, it simply depends on where you are located.
If a bakery is not available, 711 may not sell baked goods at all. Therefore, it is important to call and ask when in doubt.
To learn more, you can also read our posts on whether or not 711 sells dogs, does 711 sells pizza, and does 711 sells eggs.
711 is well-known for its food items, including its bakery donuts. These donuts are made at local bakeries and then delivered to 711 each morning. Therefore, all of its donuts are completely fresh.
For this reason, not all 711 stores sell baked goods. They have to have a bakery nearby that provides them with these items, or it does not sell them.