As one of the largest hardware retailers in the world, Ace Hardware has over 5000 stores in the world. Due to the popularity of their stores, Ace Hardware can be a great company to work for.
If you’re interested in working at Ace Hardware, you may be wondering if they drug test as part of their employment process. After doing the research, here is what I have learned about the Ace Hardware drug test!
Does Ace Hardware Drug Test In 2025?
Ace Hardware may drug test you depending on the location. Different Ace Hardware stores have different policies regarding drug testing, and what position you apply for may also impact if you will be required to take a drug test. Additionally, Ace Hardware is known to use mouth swabs and urine drug tests during its process.
For more information about the Ace Hardware drug test, including if they have a zero-tolerance policy, when Ace Hardware drug tests their employees, and what happens if you fail a drug test at Ace Hardware, then keep reading!
Does Ace Hardware Drug Test Their Employees?
Some Ace Hardware stores have been known to drug test their employees, both as part of their interview process and as the procedure for existing employees.
As many Ace Hardware stores are owned independently, it is dependent on the policy of the store you are applying for whether or not you will be drug tested.
Additionally, it is also dependent on the position you are applying for at Ace Hardware whether you will be drug tested upon application.
If you are required to take a drug test for Ace Hardware, you will be informed prior to your interview about the date, time, and type of drug test that is required.
Does Ace Hardware Have a Zero-Tolerance Policy?
As with many retailers, Ace Hardware will not tolerate drug use by employees while on the premises. Ace Hardware prohibits its employees from using, distributing, and having similar involvement with drugs.
Additionally, Ace Hardware will not tolerate drug use by their employees at work, as it will endanger other staff members and customers, and hinder their ability to work.
If you are found to be under the influence of drugs at Ace Hardware, you will face serious repercussions, such as termination from your employment and involvement from law enforcement.
What Drug Test Does Ace Hardware Use?
Ace Hardware has been known to use both a mouth swab drug test as well as a urine test.
Your drug test for Ace Hardware will likely be conducted at a third-party facility to prevent tampering. It has been reported that Ace Hardware will collect your sample themselves before passing it onto the lab for analysis.
When you are informed that you will require a drug test for Ace Hardware, they should inform you of the type of drug test.
What Does Ace Hardware Drug Test For?
Ace Hardware will drug test for a range of illicit substances, such as marijuana, methamphetamines, cocaine, opioids, and more.
In states where marijuana is legalized, it is recommended you abstain from the use of the substance as this can lead to a positive drug test result, which will not be tolerated at Ace Hardware.
If you are on prescribed medication from your doctor, ensure you inform Ace Hardware so it does not interfere with the outcome of your drug test.
Does Ace Hardware Do Pre-Employment Drug Testing?
Not all Ace Hardware stores will require a drug test as a condition of their employment. However, if you are required by Ace Hardware to take a drug test, you will need a negative result to secure employment.
A drug test may not be required for all roles at Ace Hardware. It is likely that roles at Ace Hardware that require contact with the public, or using machinery and tools, will require a drug test.
When Do Ace Hardware Drug Test?
Ace Hardware will conduct drug tests for a variety of reasons on their employees. The most common reason for a drug test at Ace Hardware is pre-employment, with a negative drug test required to secure employment.
Ace Hardware reserves the right to randomly drug test their employees as per their contract, but this is not a common occurrence.
If you are involved in a workplace accident or are suspected of drug use, it is likely Ace Hardware will require you to take a drug test.
A drug test is performed within 24 hours of a workplace accident at Ace Hardware to determine if drug use was a factor in the incident.
You may also be required to take a drug test to secure a promotion at Ace Hardware, but this is dependent on the position you are applying for.
What Happens if You Fail a Drug Test at Ace Hardware?
Failing a drug test at Ace Hardware will have serious repercussions. If you have taken a drug test as a prerequisite for employment, failure will likely mean you will not progress to the next stage of the application process.
If you fail a drug test while employed by Ace Hardware, it is likely you will be terminated from the position as the company has a zero-tolerance policy.
If you want to know more, you can also read our posts on the Ace Hardware employee discount, if Ace Hardware hires felons, and the Ace Hardware dress code.
Ace Hardware may drug test their employees, but not all stores will require drug tests. Drug tests may be conducted at Ace Hardware as part of pre-employment, for a promotion, if there is suspected use, or within 24 hours of a workplace incident.
If you fail an Ace Hardware drug test, it is likely you will be terminated from your position of employment due to their zero-tolerance policy.