Does Best Buy Price Match Walmart? (All You Need To Know)

Among the most common strategies for attracting customers is using a price matching policy that allows customers to compare prices of items with other stores and request for a price reduction.

Being a leading consumer electronics store, Best Buy has also managed to attract customers by using a price match policy. Consequently, customers may want to know, Does Best Buy Price Match Walmart? Here’s what I found out!

Does Best Buy Price Match Walmart?

Best Buy does the price match Walmart at the time of purchase if the Walmart store is a local retail competitor to your local Best Buy store. The price match guarantee policy at Best Buy allows customers to compare prices with those at local Walmart stores and and request a price adjustment.

If you want to know more about Best Buy’s price matching policy with Walmart, if you can get a price reduction at Best Buy if Walmart reduces the price, and much more, keep reading!

Can You Price Match Walmart In-Store At Best Buy?

Fortunately, Best Buy allows customers to price match items on Walmart in-store and request a discount based on the resultant price difference.

Best Buy adheres to a price match guarantee policy that allows customers to compare prices with the prices at local Walmart stores and request a price adjustment.

Best Buy considers retail stores within a 25-mile radius as local competitors. It will grant customers a price reduction request if the local Walmart store offers a lower price for an identical item.

Can You Price Match Walmart.Com At Best Buy?

Yes, Best Buy can price match if a Walmart store is a local competitor to the Best Buy store you are shopping at.

If Walmart is a local retail competitor, Best Buy allows customers to compare its online prices of identical items and request discounts at the time of purchase.

Therefore, if you need a price reduction based on pricing, you will need to research the differences in prices and present a lower price to Best Buy’s employees for a discount.

If you compare Best Buy’s prices with those at, you can call Best Buy or present yourself at your local Best Buy store and request a discount.

You will have to direct Best Buy’s employees on how to locate the lower price on in both options.

Moreover, Best Buy will only price match if you provide a live ad rather than a screenshot of a lower price.

How Do I Request Best Buy To Price Match Walmart?

How Do I Request Best Buy To Price Match Walmart?

Best Buy allows customers to present a lower price, seen at a local Walmart store, and request a discount.

All you need to do is talk to the Customer service desk and request a price comparison with Walmart and a discount based on the resulting price difference.

Best Buy employees will either call the store or check the store’s website to review and verify the eligibility of the price match request.

Once the employee confirms the price difference of an available identical item with a local Walmart store, Best Buy will provide a discount.

Does Best Buy Price Match Walmart After Purchase?

Unfortunately, Best Buy’s price-matching policy does not allow customers to price-match Walmart after making a purchase.

The price match guarantee policy at Best Buy is only applicable at the time of purchase. It does not allow customers to compare prices with Walmart during the return and exchange period.

Therefore, if you spot a lower price of an item at your local Walmart store, you should consider requesting a discount at the time of purchase rather than after the purchase.

It is important to note that Best Buy will only complete a price match request made after purchase if the comparison is made with prices at Best Buy in-store,, or My Best Buy app.

Will Best Buy Give Refund If Price Drops At Walmart?

Best Buy will not refund you money if the price drops at Walmart.

Best Buy only allows customers to compare prices with other local competitor stores at the time of purchase.

Therefore, if the price of an immediately identical item drops at Walmart, you cannot request Best Buy to refund the resultant price difference.

Will Best Buy Price Match Walmart Offers?

Unfortunately, Best Buy will not price match Walmart offers even if the Walmart store is a local retail competitor to the Best Buy store you are shopping at.

Generally, Best Buy does not price match with competitors’ offers and special sales such as trade-in offers, pre-order offers, credit card offers, and special daily or hourly deals, among others.

To learn more, you can see our related posts on if Walmart price matches Best Buy, if Best Buy price matches Amazon, and the Best Buy price adjustment policy.


Best Buy allows customers to compare prices with local Walmart stores and request a discount based on the price differences.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of

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