Grocery stores like Publix are a great place to work, whether you’re looking for a part-time gig or maybe your first job.
However, if you’re looking to apply for a position at Publix, you may wonder how often you’ll get paid. For example, does Publix pay weekly? I’ve researched the matter, and here’s everything I discovered!
Does Publix Pay Weekly?
Publix pays employees weekly across all its stores, and payday is Thursday. Publix pays employees through direct deposit only and doesn’t pay with checks. Additionally, Publix offers a Publix Federal Credit Union that employees can join, with payday on Wednesday. Also, Publix has six paid holidays for additional pay.
There are other important questions that you may have about the Publix pay schedule, so keep reading to learn all the facts!
Does Publix Pay Bi-Weekly Or Weekly?
All Publix locations in the United States pay weekly, which is excellent news for employees and new hires who want to get paid as soon as possible!
Does Publix Have Its Own Credit Union?
Publix offers employees the option of using its credit union, the Publix Employees Federal Credit Union, which is excellent if you don’t have a bank account!
Furthermore, it’s very easy to register for the Publix Employees Federal Credit Union, as everything’s online once Publix hires you.
What Day Do Publix Employees Get Paid?
Most employees at Publix get paid on Thursday, although credit unions, including the Publix Credit Union, offer the money on Wednesday.
When Does the Publix Pay Period Start and End?
Publix’s pay period starts on Saturday and ends on the following Friday, which is the policy for all Publix stores nationwide.
Does Publix Pay in Checks?
Unfortunately, Publix doesn’t pay in checks and pays everyone through direct deposit. So, this is why the Publix Credit Union can be important for employees without existing bank accounts.
Does Publix Pay Extra On Sundays?
Unfortunately, Publix does not pay extra for working on a Sunday unless you qualify for overtime pay, which occurs after working 40 hours a week.
Does Publix Pay Extra On Holidays?
Yes, Publix does pay extra on holidays. Also, full-time employees receive eight additional paid hours if they work on a holiday.
Additionally, part-time workers will get $1 per hour more for working the holiday. For example, if an employee earns $11 an hour, they will earn $12 an hour for that holiday shift.
What Does Publix Consider Full-Time?

To work full-time at Publix, you must work between 32 and 40 hours per week, and overtime is very easy to get at Publix if you want it.
What Does Publix Consider Part-Time?
Publix considers part-time employment between ten and 31 hours per week.
However, it’s not uncommon for a part-time worker to get on the higher end of 25 to 30 hours each week since they’re often asked to cover other workers and sometimes double shifts.
What Are the Publix Paid Holidays?
The paid holidays, where you can receive the extra money whether you’re full-time or part-time, include:
- New Year’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day (July 4th)
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
What Is Publix Starting Pay?
The starting pay at Publix depends on your location and job title, but the average starting pay is $10 to $13 an hour.
Do You Get Paid For Publix Orientation?
Yes, Publix does pay for orientation. With that, your paid orientation will appear on your first paycheck, so you don’t have to wait too long to see that money!
How Much Does a Publix Employee Make a Week?
A Publix employee averages about $1,100 per week, depending on how many hours you’re working and your job title.
Furthermore, the higher end is $2,400 per week, and the lower end is $300, so there are many variables to consider when looking at weekly pay rates.
Is Publix a Good Place To Work?
Most people say that Publix is a great place to work because of the decent pay, weekly pay schedule, supportive management, friendly co-workers, and flexible working hours.
However, if you’re a part-time employee, you might find that working there is not always great because shifts are often long, and part-time doesn’t have a fixed schedule.
Do Publix Employees Get Discounts?
Unfortunately, Publix doesn’t offer discounts for employees. That said, don’t expect to get discounts on products or free food working there.
You can also see our posts on whether or not Publix hires at 14, the Publix call-out policy, and the Publix attendance policy.