Lowe’s offers frequent savings, deals, and rebate offers within its stores and online to keep prices competitive.
Frequent visitors to Lowe’s may be wondering how the rebate center works, who’s eligible for a rebate, and more. I’ve looked into it, and here’s what I have learned about the Lowe’s rebate center!
Lowe’s Rebate Center
Lowe’s Rebate Center allows customers to receive a partial refund of cash or gift cards on eligible products they’ve purchased from Lowe’s. With that, rebates can be applied for at Lowe’s either by mail or online. Also, those who’ve purchased from participating Lowe’s stores are eligible for a rebate.
For more information about the Lowe’s rebate center, including how it works, who can get one, and what products a rebate is available on at Lowe’s, keep reading to find out!
What Is the Lowe’s Rebate Center?
The Lowe’s Rebate Center allows customers to earn money back from purchases at Lowe’s, and the amount earned back from rebates can be monetary or in the form of a Lowe’s gift card.
With that, the Lowe’s Rebate Center can be accessed online, where it’s possible to apply for a rebate, monitor the status of your rebate, or check for rebates on eligible products at Lowe’s.
To track your Lowe’s rebate, you can use your mailing address, mobile number, or an order’s confirmation number.
How Does the Lowe’s Rebate Center Work?
Lowe’s will run rebate offers for a select period throughout the year.
To receive a Lowe’s rebate, you must complete a form online or mail your form to Lowe’s and receive a partial refund on eligible products.
Also, you can receive a rebate from Lowe’s on products purchased both in-store and online, as long as you have valid proof of purchase and a rebate offer number to complete the form.
However, a Lowe’s rebate can take between six to eight weeks to complete, and there’s a limit of $500 per household or address.
Who Can Get a Lowe’s Rebate?
![Who Can Get A Lowe's Rebate?](https://querysprout.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/25-AUG-2020.jpeg)
Lowe’s offers rebates at any participating store location, and Lowe’s will often provide a list of participating stores near you to help you receive a rebate.
Also, Lowe’s has a search engine of available rebates you can use to help you save money.
Alternatively, you can search for product type or model if there’s a particular item you wish to buy and receive a rebate on.
However, if you’ve already purchased an item from Lowe’s and wish to see if it is eligible for a rebate, you can enter the product model number from the receipt.
Then, to verify if your product is eligible for a rebate, you can search the terms and conditions or call Lowe’s customer service.
Can I Get a Rebate at Lowe’s Without a Receipt?
You will need a valid proof of purchase to be eligible for a rebate at Lowe’s, as you will need to include it within the rebate information.
However, if you’ve lost your receipt, you can use your MyLowe’s account to find your order history and provide alternative proof.
Additionally, you can contact Lowe’s Customer Care at 1-800-445-6937, and a rep will be able to assist you.
Can I Get a Paint Rebate at Lowe’s?
If your paint product from Lowe’s is eligible for a rebate, there will be an offer number printed on your receipt.
Also, you can search for paint products through the Lowe’s Rebate Center to find paint products eligible for a rebate.
If your Lowe’s Paint is qualified for a rebate, a link will be provided for the offer (if you’re shopping online).
What Do I Do If I Have Not Received My Lowe’s Rebate?
Lowe’s Rebate Center states it will take between six to eight weeks to process rebates properly.
However, if you have not received your rebate after eight weeks, you can track its status using the Lowe’s Rebate Center website.
Also, you can contact the Lowe’s Customer Care Team at 1-877-204-1223, and an employee will be able to assist you with your rebate.
With that, it is recommended that you keep a copy of any materials you have submitted as part of your Lowe’s rebate, including your receipt, your form, and other materials that help to secure a rebate.
If you are looking to learn more about Lowe’s, you can also read our posts on Lowe’s AAA discount, if Lowe’s accepts PayPal, and if Lowe’s has a contractor discount.