Walmart Grocery Pickup Complaints (How to Make One, Types of Complaints + Contact Info)

Walmart Grocery Pickup is a mix of online shopping and in-store delivery, as it presents unique challenges to the customers and often results in complaints.

Therefore, the grocery store has established a complaint handling process that caters to this. Read on to find out how this process works!

How Does the Walmart Grocery Pickup Complaint Process Work In 2024?

Walmart Grocery Pickup receives complaints from several channels, including telephone calls, emails, official website, and social media in 2024. The complaints commonly deal with employee attitude, problems with the delivery process, and disgruntlement with customer support. Moreover, dissatisfied customers are allowed to air their complaints through government agencies, review sites, and the law.

Keep reading if you would like to know how to make complaints to and about Walmart Grocery Pickups, and how the company handles the complaints!

How Can I Make Complaints About Walmart Grocery Pickup?

If an incident occurs during your pickup, your first choice should be to the store’s staff and management.

Complaining in store is the surest and quickest way to a satisfactory resolution for straightforward issues.

Otherwise, customers can channel their complaints through any of the several routes that Walmart Grocery Pickup has made available, and that includes the following:

When you complain through any of these channels, you increase the chances of a successful outcome by being precise and providing relevant evidence.

How Does Walmart Handle Grocery Pickup Complaints?

Walmart customers can complain to customer associates in-store, but the experience is never uniform.

What may receive prompt and full attention in one store may be glossed over in another. Customers can use other channels, as highlighted above, to file their complaints.

In most cases, Walmart will follow the below process to address your complaint:

  1. Soon after you contact Walmart Grocery Pickup, you get confirmation that your claim has been received and will be acted upon.
  2. In due course, human support will get in touch with you. You should have all the details and evidence of the complaint ready with you to expedite the process.
  3. Also, communicate effectively, making sure to put across your needs rather than your emotions. This increases the chances of a successful outcome.
  4. Walmart Grocery Pickup will investigate your claims. The time it takes will depend on the complexity of your complaint, and how expeditious your customer service associate is.
  5. Afterward, Walmart Grocery Pickup may clarify its position or apologize with amends.
  6. Walmart Grocery Pickup will try to be as conciliatory as possible throughout the process.

What Alternative Avenues Can Customers Use to Complain About Walmart Grocery Pickups?

What Alternative Avenues Can Customers Use to Complain About Walmart Grocery Pickups?

In cases where Walmart Grocery Pickup customer service fails to address your issue appropriately, you can escalate your complaint by using other avenues to file the complaint on your behalf.

Such avenues include the following:

  • The Federal Trade Commission’s mandate is to protect consumers from unfair business practices. All Walmart Grocery Pickup customers need to do is file a complaint with the FTC, and the commission investigates and acts accordingly.
  • Walmart customers can also lodge their complaints on review sites, some of which undertake to follow up on the complaint on the reviewer’s behalf. Sometimes, the possibility of negative publicity is enough to make Walmart Grocery Pickup move to resolve customer complaints.
  • Customer complaints also mean that Walmart Grocery Pickup has breached some legal duty owed to the customer. The customer then has the right to prosecute the complaint in a small court claim. Unless the complaint lacks merit, Walmart will be eager to settle the matter out of court.

What Are Common Complaints About Walmart Grocery Pickup?

Walmart Grocery Pickup complaints commonly involve pickup issues, arrogant staff, unresponsive customer support, and failure to update inventory.

The most common ones include the following:

  • Sometimes, when you shop online and opt for curbside pickup, customers discover that their orders have not been processed, despite the ample time they have allowed.
  • In some instances, Walmart Grocery Pickup puts out the wrong or incomplete order, which customers claim defeats the convenience they promise.
  • Walmart Grocery Pickup sometimes fails to update its online inventory, offering a product out of stock as available.
  • Some shoppers complain that when Walmart doesn’t have a specified brand, it offers a substitute product, even when they didn’t request one.
  • Some customers complain that sometimes the associates at Walmart Grocery Pickup are rude and unhelpful, not even bothering to load the car.
  • In some instances, the associates simply drop the package on the curb and walk off, even if it’s too heavy for the customer to load.
  • It’s a common grievance that Walmart Grocery Pickup’s customer support is at times unsupportive.
  • Customers accuse the associates of avoiding them, taking complaints without acting upon them, and making promises they don’t intend to keep.

How Effective Is the Walmart Grocery Pickup Complaints System?

Walmart Grocery Pickups have gone to some length to establish a comprehensive complaint resolution mechanism that indicates seriousness.

However, several review sites show that customers are less than satisfied with how Walmart Grocery Pickup handles complaints.

For instance, Yelp awards Walmart Grocery Pickup 1.5 stars based on 54 reviews, while Sitejabber gives it 1.28 stars based on 254 reviews.

Evaluated on service by Sitejabber, Walmart Grocery Pickups manages 1.3 stars based on 157 reviews.

Also, Trust Pilot gives Walmart Grocery Pickup 1.5 stars based on 421 reviews, while NoNoNo awards Walmart Grocery Pickups a rating of 2.37/5 on how efficient it is at resolving complaints.

Out of 1,217 complaints lodged on NoNoNo, Walmart Grocery Pickups resolved 108, hence the low rating.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on how does Walmart pickup works, if Walmart delivers groceries, and how does Walmart handle complaints.


Walmart Grocery Pickup’s customers have a variety of channels through which they can lodge complaints on a range of issues.

However, reviews indicate that customers are not satisfied with how Walmart handles their complaints. If Walmart’s resolution proves inadequate, customers can opt for alternative ways of resolving their complaints.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of

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