Does Dollar Tree Pay Weekly (+ Other Common FAQs From Employees)

Retail chains in the U.S. follow different policies for paying their employees, with some making payments monthly and others weekly.

If you are thinking of applying for a job at Dollar Tree, you may want to know whether Dollar Tree pays weekly. Here is everything I have found through my research!

Does Dollar Tree Pay Weekly?

Dollar Tree pays its employees bi-weekly, i.e., after every 2 weeks. The pay period ends on the Saturday of the second week, and payment occurs the following Friday. Dollar Tree also gives its employees small raises yearly.

To find out more about the minimum wage at Dollar Tree, what the highest paying job is, and how much Dollar Tree pays cashiers, keep on reading!

How Much Does Dollar Tree Usually Pay?

Although Dollar Tree pays its staff bi-weekly, it pays based on hours with an hourly wage of  $10.38.

On average, the hourly pay at Dollar Tree falls between $7.65 to $14.46 per hour, and the hourly amount is summed up and paid every other Friday.

How Much Does Dollar Tree Pay Its Cashiers?

On average, the hourly wage of a Dollar Tree cashier is $10 per hour.

Based on the Dollar Tree salary report, the range falls between $8-$13 per hour after adding bonuses and repayment.

What Is The Minimum Wage At Dollar Tree?

The federal minimum wage rate in the United States is currently $7.25 per hour.

Compared to this, Dollar Tree pays new employees above the federal minimum wage rate at $8.32-$8.63 per hour.

If workers are paid this rate, they can easily earn around $16,640 yearly by working 40 hours every week.

What Is The Highest Paying Job At Dollar Tree?

What Is The Highest Paying Job At Dollar Tree?

The managing manufacturer earns the highest among all the employees at Dollar Tree, earning $90,019 annually, whereas cashiers have the lowest paying job, earning $23,443 per year.

Some high-paying jobs at Dollar Tree also include assistant store managers and retail store managers, who earn around $9-$14 per hour.

Does Dollar Tree Hold First Check?

Since Dollar Tree pays its staff every two weeks, you do not get paid as soon as you start working, meaning you have to work for two weeks before you get paid.

Does Dollar Tree Pay More For Working During Holidays?

Unfortunately, Dollar Tree does not pay more for working during holidays.

Employees should keep in mind that if Dollar Tree does offer a bonus, the pay is only increased by $1 or $1.50 (per hour) max for working during holidays.

Does Dollar Tree Give Vacation Pay And Sick Days?

Dollar Tree is well known among employees for its generous PTO policy. According to staff, Dollar Tree allows up to ten paid vacations and sick days.

Note that the paid time does not vary depending on how long an employee has been working at Dollar Tree.

So, a person who just joined Dollar Tree will get the same days of paid vacation as someone who has been working for 2-5  years.

Does Dollar Tree Give Raises?

Dollar Tree gives raises in small amounts annually.

Additionally, it also hires extra workers during the holiday season and pays them more than regular employees.

Does Dollar Tree Pay Out PTO When You Quit?

Dollar Tree will not give out PTO unless and until the law states it. 

If you choose to quit Dollar Tree, don’t hesitate to contact your HR representative and send a request for assistance.

To learn more about Dollar Tree, you can also read our posts on Dollar Tree’s termination policy and dress code and find out if Dollar Tree conducts drug tests.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of

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