If you do not want to go out and get food or don’t have the time, you may wonder: does Tim Hortons deliver?
If so, keep reading to learn all you need to know about Tim Hortons and whether or not the restaurant offers a delivery service!
Does Tim Hortons Deliver In 2025?
Tim Hortons does offer delivery in both the United States and Canada as of 2025. Deliveries in both countries have a $9 minimum order amount. Customers can place Tim Hortons orders through their mobile app or online, and orders for delivery at Tim Hortons will be delivered by a third-party delivery service.
Do you want to know more about whether Tim Hortons offers delivery and where it is available? If so, read on to learn what I’ve found out!
Does Tim Hortons Deliver In Canada?
Yes, Tim Hortons does offer delivery in Canada through the company’s mobile app. However, Tim Hortons does not disclose which service provider it uses to make deliveries.
Does Tim Hortons Deliver In The United States?
Tim Hortons also delivers in the United States; in this case, DoorDash will deliver orders placed on the app.
How Far Does Tim Hortons Deliver?
Tim Hortons does not specify how far it delivers because the restaurant outsources delivery to a third-party service (typically DoorDash).
Therefore, the provider will determine the delivery range, which will be the same as their regular delivery area.
Moreover, to find out if your address is eligible for delivery, sign up for a Tim Hortons account and see if your address is eligible.
Does Tim Hortons Catering Deliver?
Yes, Tim Hortons delivers catering orders, which customers can do through a third-party delivery service like regular delivery.
Does Tim Hortons Have A Minimum For Delivery Orders?
Tim Hortons in Canada does have a minimum of $9 to have your order delivered.
In the United States, Tim Hortons will deliver orders under $9 but charges an additional $2 fee.
When Does Tim Hortons Deliver?
Delivery is available for both lunch and dinner menus at Tim Hortons, meaning delivery is available from opening until closing, which will vary by location.
Does Tim Hortons Deliver Coffee?
Yes, Tim Hortons will deliver your morning or late-day coffee, provided your order meets the $9 minimum order amount.
How Do I Order Tim Hortons For Delivery?
Tim Hortons offers two convenient methods to place your order for delivery.
For example, if you have the Tim Hortons app, you can place your delivery order via this outlet. Or, you can place your order through the Tim Hortons website.
Either way, you will need to create a Tim Hortons account to be able to place an order.
How Much Does Tim Hortons Delivery Cost?
There is a $4 delivery fee for Tim Hortons orders of $9 or more in Canada.
In the United States, the delivery fee is $1.99 on orders over $9, and orders under $9 have an additional $2 small cart fee added.
Also, Tim Hortons charges US orders 12.5% of your order total. Still, delivery in both countries is subject to additional taxes and fees, which may vary depending on location.
Do I Have To Tip Tim Hortons’ Delivery Drivers?
Although it is customary in Canada and the United States to tip delivery drivers, Tim Hortons does not say it is necessary to tip its drivers.
Also, Tim Hortons has banned tipping in its locations as some felt compelled to tip when it was not required or expected.
However, you should consider tipping if your driver has done an exceptional job.
Why Does Tim Hortons Use A Third-Party Delivery Service?
Tim Hortons does not have delivery drivers because delivery is not part of its core business model.
Further, other businesses such as Domino’s are structured to facilitate deliveries, whereas Tim Hortons is not.
Therefore, outsourcing delivery to a third party allows Tim Hortons to focus on its core competency, serving fast food, while also providing deliveries to customers.
To learn more, you can also read our posts on whether or not Tim Hortons has soup, if Tim Hortons serves breakfast all day, and what time does Tim Hortons serve lunch.
Tim Hortons offers delivery in both Canada and the United States through its app, but a third-party delivery service provides the deliveries, not Tim Hortons.
Moreover, Tim Hortons’ minimum order amount is $9 in both countries, and US orders under $9 are charged a $2 surcharge.
Additionally, a delivery fee of $4 is charged in Canada, while a delivery fee of $2 plus 12.5% of the order total is charged in the US.