Does Uber Eats Require Insurance? (Must Read Before Applying)

When you sign up for Uber Eats as a driver, you have the option to make deliveries using a motor vehicle like a car or motorbike.

These kinds of vehicles require insurance under normal circumstances and if you’re wondering whether this extends to Uber Eats, read on!

Does Uber Eats Require Insurance In 2024?

Uber Eats requires insurance for all delivery couriers using motor vehicles like cars and motorbikes in 2024. Because the law requires auto insurance, you can’t do Uber Eats without it. You can do Uber Eats with most types of auto insurance, so the bare minimum could still get you approved, but you should go for more comprehensive coverage.

Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about Uber Eats and insurance before you apply to become a driver, including what kind is ideal, how the gig affects your current insurance, and more!

Does Uber Eats Require Proof Of Insurance?

Yes, Uber Eats requires proof of insurance before you can get approved as a driver.

That said, you will need to provide proof of insurance in the form of a declaration page that includes the following information:

  1. Policy holder’s name
  2. Names of additional drivers covered under the policy
  3. Policy number
  4. Effective and expiry date of the policy
  5. Vehicle details, including the make, model, and VIN

Moreover, Uber has partnered with some insurance companies to ensure that drivers’ insurance details are uploaded and updated automatically; these companies are:

  1. Zego
  2. Nelson
  3. Inshur
  4. Haven
  5. Antilo

Do I Have To Tell My Insurance Company That I Do Uber Eats?

You don’t have to tell your insurance company that you do Uber Eats, but it’s best to do it anyway.

Even if you don’t, your car’s mileage could expose you if it drastically increases in a way that’s not usual for everyday usage.

Therefore, being upfront about it early allows your provider to direct you to a policy that works better for the gig, so you’re more likely to have coverage if something happens on the job.

What Kind Of Insurance Do I Need For Uber Eats?

What Kind Of Insurance Do I Need For Uber Eats?

You need any kind of motor vehicle insurance to get approved for Uber Eats, but I recommend getting a policy that covers the service specifically.

For example, several insurance providers now offer rideshare policies for people doing gigs like Uber Eats using their vehicles.

That said, these policies are more expensive, but they provide more reliable coverage in the event of an accident while working.

Also, if you can’t find a company that provides rideshare insurance, you could go for commercial insurance.

Moreover, this kind is meant to cover people using their vehicles for work, and while it’s a lot more expensive, it’s your best bet if you can’t get rideshare coverage.

Does Uber Eats Provide Insurance?

Uber Eats automatically provides insurance if you’re online in the app and based in California. Otherwise, you’ll need to sign up for it or rely on your insurance provider.

Further, Uber Eats’ Injury Protection insurance costs less than $0.03 a mile and provides the following:

  1. Disability payments of up to $500 a week
  2. Medical expenses of up to $1 million with no deductible or co-pay
  3. Survivor benefits of up to $150,000 for your family

Can You Do Uber Eats If Insurance Is Not In Your Name?

Yes, you can do Uber Eats if insurance is not in your name, but you still need to be one of the drivers covered under the policy.

That said, this means that the primary policyholder can be someone else.

However, you can still get approval if you’re one of the additional drivers listed as insured for the vehicle under their policy.

Will My Insurance Go Up If I Do Uber Eats?

Your insurance might go up if you do Uber Eats because you will be on the road more than you usually would.

With that, regular insurance policies are meant to cover normal vehicle usage, and if you go beyond this, your insurer might increase your premiums as there’s more of a perceived risk.

Therefore, it’s best to let your insurance company know when you start doing Uber Eats so you’re not left with no coverage if something happens.

Will My Insurance Drop Me If I Do Uber Eats?

Your insurance might drop you if you do Uber Eats because there’s more of a perceived risk for people who do ridesharing.

That said, normal insurance policies are only intended to provide coverage for regular vehicle usage and usually don’t extend to anything beyond this.

For this reason, I recommend telling your insurer that you’re doing Uber Eats as soon as possible to avoid being caught without protection.

Does Uber Eats Cover Accidents?

Yes, Uber Eats covers accidents but only in cases where the driver was available or waiting for a request, and their own insurance doesn’t apply.

So, if the driver app was offline at the time of the accident, you will need to file a claim with your insurer.

However, if the accident occurs when you’re available, online, or waiting for a request, Uber Eats might assume third-party liability with coverage for:

  1. $50,000 in bodily injury per person
  2. $100,000 in bodily injury per accident
  3. $25,000 in property damage per accident

Also, if the accident occurs when you’re on the way to pick up an order or drop it off, Uber Eats might cover:

  1. $1 million in third-party liability
  2. Up to the actual cash value of the car with a $2,500 deductible if you have contingent comprehensive and collision insurance on your own policy

Unfortunately, Uber Eats does not cover drivers that get into accidents in New York.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on whether or not Uber Eats pays for gas, Uber Eats DUI policy, and Uber Eats dress code.


Uber Eats requires insurance for anyone using a motor vehicle on the job. Fortunately, you can do Uber Eats with any type of policy, but rideshare insurance works best.

Also, you can do Uber Eats as long as you’re named in the policy, even if the primary holder is someone else.

Lastly, Uber Eats has company insurance that covers accidents in some cases except in New York.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of

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