How To Quit From Kroger (All You Need To Know)

Employees quit their Kroger jobs for many reasons ranging from a new job, family and personal reasons, or to focus on school. During the quitting process, it’s always advisable to leave on good terms and professionally despite your reasons for leaving.

So, if you are thinking about quitting your job at Kroger, what is the right way to do it? Here’s what I found out

How To Quit From Kroger In 2024

To quit your job at Kroger, you need to give at least two weeks of notice in advance before your last day of work as of 2024. Additionally, you can follow up with a resignation letter addressed to the HR department and hand it to your manager. However, it’s advisable to give two weeks’ notice to leave a professional impression.

To learn more about how to quit your job at Kroger and why you should give the notice period, keep on reading!

Who Should You Talk To About Quitting Your Job At Kroger?

If you want to quit your job at Kroger, you should talk to your store manager two weeks before your last day.

Once you give the verbal notice, you can follow up with an email and a resignation letter stating your last workday.

Additionally, you can deliver a copy of the letter to your store manager and send another to the human resource department.

Does Kroger Require Two Weeks’ Notice?

Like most retailers, it’s advisable to give two weeks’ notice at Kroger so that they can plan your scheduled shifts.

Additionally, your managers can use this time to reorganize the schedule and fill the gaps that will come with your departure.

According to a current manager at Kroger, if you turn in your two weeks’ notice, your supervisor can either take you off the schedule immediately or they can avoid assigning you any hours.

Therefore, if you plan to quit without notice, you also need to check the employee handbook for the job abandonment policy.

Although there’s no legal obligation at Kroger to give this notice period, it’s essential to do so because it leaves a professional impression.

Therefore, you can quit without notice if you have no other option.

If you are moving to a new job, you might need a reference; therefore, if you handle your resignation professionally, it increases your chances of getting a good reference.

Additionally, if you don’t give this notice period, it might be difficult to get rehired by Kroger if you ever want to return.

How Do I Give My Two Week Notice To Kroger?

How Do I Give My Two Week Notice To Kroger?

When quitting, you need to give your supervisor or manager a verbal and written notice. So you can talk to your manager as you hand over the resignation letter.

Furthermore, an email or letter makes the communication more official compared to a verbal notification; therefore, ensure that you follow up with this.

In addition, you need to mention your exact last day at work so that your supervisors can start reorganizing the schedules.

Will Kroger Rehire You If You Quit?

If you leave Kroger without any issues with the management and hand in your two weeks notice, you are more likely to be rehired.

Kroger employees quit their jobs due to several reasons such as long hours, poor pay, overwhelming workload, and issues such as bullying.

However, some of them might want to return after a few months or years.

If you quit Kroger without notice, you become part of the no-hire list on the company’s website.

However, on some occasions, employees have got their jobs back by applying at a different store. Therefore, if you plan to come back to Kroger, it’s advisable to serve notice when leaving.

What Happens To Your PTO When You Quit Kroger?

When you quit your job at Kroger, you need to ensure that you have to get your final pay and any other benefits. In addition, you also need to follow up on your unused paid time off (PTO).

Furthermore, once you quit, your vacation days and PTO should be cashed out immediately with your last paycheck.

You can also follow up with the payroll clerk to ensure that you get paid for your PTO; otherwise, you’ll lose it.

However, this depends on your tenure at Kroger. According to the Kroger policy, only employees who have been employed for one year are eligible for a paid vacation and personal days.

Therefore, if you have worked less than one year at Kroger, there will be no unused PTO to cash out when leaving.

How Will You Get Your W2 From Kroger After You Quit?

Kroger is still obligated to send you the W2 forms even after you quit to help you file your taxes.

Legally, all companies must prepare these W2 forms by January 31st of every year and send them to their employees. Therefore, you’ll need the form mailed to you, even if you have quit.

Therefore, ensure that the store has the correct address and have the form mailed to you. On the other hand, you can also collect a copy of your W2 from the customer service desk.

To learn more, you can also see our posts on Kroger shoplifting policy, Kroger break policy, and Kroger bereavement policy.


To quit your job at Kroger, you need to give at least two weeks of notice in advance before your last day of work. Additionally, you can follow up with a resignation letter addressed to the human resource department and hand it to your store manager.

It’s advisable to give two weeks’ notice to leave a professional impression. This is also important because it increases your chances of getting rehired if you would ever like to return.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of

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