What Does Retail Packaging Mean On Amazon? (All You Need To Know)

Amazon provides a ton of convenience for online shoppers, but that often comes at the cost of some of the company’s information not being clear until you receive your order.

If you saw something on Amazon that says it comes in retail packaging and you don’t know what that means, read on to find out! I’ve looked into everything you need to know!

What Does Retail Packaging Mean On Amazon In 2025?

Retail packaging on Amazon means the item doesn’t come in its original sealed packaging as of 2025. When you get your order, it will be in the same packaging you would get if you bought it from a retail store. When you see something tagged with “retail packaging” on Amazon, it’s often a sign that it’s not a knockoff.

To learn all you need to know about retail packaging on Amazon, including a look into other related packaging options and how they compare, read on!

What Does “Non-Retail Packaging” Mean On Amazon?

When an item on Amazon says it’s in “non-retail packaging,” it just means that you’ll get it in a different package than you would if you bought it from a retail store.

Also, non-retail packaging doesn’t always mean that the item is used, refurbished, or a knockoff, but instead, it’s not in the same box you would find at a place like Walmart or Best Buy.

Further, sometimes non-retail packaging on Amazon is used by sellers who bought items in bulk and have to find their own ways of packaging them.

Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Vs. Retail Packaging

When Amazon says that an item comes with frustration-free packaging, it means that the box it arrives in is easy to open, produces less waste, and is eco-friendly.

Also, frustration-free packaging on Amazon differs from retail packaging in that it’s not the same kind of packaging you would get if you bought the item at a retail store.

With that, this option is sometimes used over retail packaging in cases like gifting where one doesn’t want it to be obvious what’s in the package.

Further, when you choose frustration-free packaging at Amazon, you get everything you would if it came in the manufacturer’s original packaging.

Finally, Amazon provides frustration-free packaging at no additional cost and says it comes with the following benefits:

  1. Less waste: your package comes in a fitting size and doesn’t include Amazon packaging
  2. Protective design: packaging has been tested in a lab to ensure minimal damage
  3. 100% recyclable packaging material
  4. Easy to open: packaging does not contain complex components like wire ties or clamshells

What Is The Difference Between Standard Packaging And Retail Packaging On Amazon?

What Is The Difference Between Standard Packaging And Retail Packaging On Amazon?

On Amazon, standard packaging means the item will come in a regular plain cardboard box, while retail packaging means it will come in the same kind of box that you would get if you bought it new at a retail store.

What Is The Difference Between Retail Packaging And Bulk Packaging On Amazon?

On Amazon, retail packaging means you get the item in the same box you would get if you bought it at a retail store, while bulk packaging means the item has been repackaged, so it’s easier and cheaper to transport more of them at once.

Also, since retail packaging does not always make accommodations for shipping many of the same items, it’s often a little more expensive than bulk packaging.

Moreover, retail packaging guarantees you get everything that usually comes with the purchase.

In contrast, bulk packaging might omit some that the seller deems unnecessary to cut down on costs and space.

What Is The Difference Between OEM Packaging And Retail Packaging On Amazon?

On Amazon, OEM (original equipment manufacturer) packaging means the manufacturer packages the item so it might come in a plain box.

On the other hand, retail packaging means the item comes in the same kind of box you would get if you bought it from a retail store.

Further, OEM packaging will often be generic and contain only the most basic accompaniments for the main item and could lack additional features like cosmetic accessories.

Additionally, OEM packaging does not mean that the item is refurbished or used, and it’s often used for brand new items that come straight from the manufacturer.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on whether you can pick up Amazon packages, Amazon package delayed in transit, and do Amazon packages require a signature.


Retail packaging on Amazon means that the item comes in the same kind of packaging that you would get if you bought it from a retail store like Best Buy or Walmart.

When you get something on Amazon that says it’s in retail packaging, it’s a strong sign that it’s genuine and new.

Also, non-retail packaging on Amazon means that it comes in a different package from what you would get in a  retail store.

With that, it doesn’t always mean that the item is used, a knockoff, or refurbished.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of QuerySprout.com.

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