Why is My Amazon Tracking Number Not Working? (List Of Potential Fixes + FAQs)

Did you just get an email from Amazon notifying you that your order has shipped, but you’ve realized that your Amazon tracking number isn’t working?

Well, if you want to know how to fix this issue, keep reading below!

Why is My Amazon Tracking Number Not Working In 2025?

The most common fix for your Amazon tracking number not working is that you haven’t waited long enough to allow for the system to update in 2025. For example, some courier systems only update once or twice a day, so you’ll need to just check back at least 12 hours later to see if there is progress on the shipment. 

Do you want to know other fixes for the Amazon tracking number not working? If so, continue reading further to learn more useful information!

What Can I do If My Amazon Tracking Number Isn’t Working?

If you are having trouble tracking your Amazon package here are a few things you can try to get it working:

1. Try and Wait At Least 12 Hours to Check for Updates

If your Amazon tracking number isn’t working, you may need to just wait at least 12 hours to allow for the courier system to update with more details.

Furthermore, most couriers only update their systems once or twice a day, so if you don’t see any information it may not be entered into the system or scanned as received yet.

That being said, it’s better if you wait 24 hours after getting the notification your item has shipped to ensure that it’s in the courier system.

2. Use a “Desktop Site” on a Mobile Device With the USPS Website

For some reason, if you try to track your package through USPS on a mobile device, it won’t come up properly most of the time and will say that you’re entering an incorrect number.

Therefore, if you’re trying to track your Amazon package using USPS, you’ll need to toggle the switch to enable “Desktop Site” and then try to enter the tracking number again and it’ll appear.

3. Your Order Is Shipped Through Amazon TBA

Amazon TBA is Amazon Logistics and when your item ships with TBA, you won’t be able to track this package in the same manner you can with other courier systems.

That being said, if you have the Amazon app, you can see when your item is close to your area for delivery if Amazon TBA is being used.

You also can just hit “Track Package” and it’ll update you on if your product is out for delivery or not, but you cannot enter the TBA number online and find search results for it.

4. Try and Contact The Seller

4. Try and Contact The Seller Amazon

The seller may have given you the wrong tracking information, such as entering a number or letter wrong, especially if they manually emailed you the tracking information.

Therefore, the best option is to contact the seller of the item if the tracking number isn’t working once 24 hours have passed to seek additional help.

5. Try and Contact Amazon

If it’s been longer than 24 or 48 hours and you still can’t get the Amazon tracking number to work, you may want to contact Amazon as a potential fix.

For example, if the item was shipped and sold by Amazon, the item may not have been scanned yet if there is a backlog.

Why Is My Tracking Number Not Working For UPS?

UPS tracking numbers will show up as invalid if the courier hasn’t picked up the package yet, or the bar code from the package hasn’t been scanned into the system yet.

Additionally, it can take up to 24 hours or a little longer for the system to update, so it’s best to hang tight and give it time before you try to track your package.

How Do I Turn On Map Tracking On Amazon?

You can turn the Amazon Map Tracking on so that you can see when your order is near your area for delivery by just going to the order from the app and selecting “Track Package.”

Additionally, you can sign up for the delivery alerts through the app so that you’ll get a notification that the map is now available for you to look at so you can track the package.

However, sometimes a driver will need to change routes, which can alter the Amazon Map Tracking details, such as how many stops away the order is from your house.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on the Amazon iPhone app not working, Amazon two-step verification not working, and Amazon wish list not working.


The best fix if your Amazon tracking number isn’t working is to wait it out because it can take 24 hours for your item to show up and be scanned by the courier. However, if it’s been longer than 24 hours, you can try contacting Amazon or the seller to get additional information.

Furthermore, if you contacted a seller and they manually gave you a tracking number, you can see if it was entered incorrectly during this process.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of QuerySprout.com.

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