Why Is Prime Video Not Working On My Samsung TV? (List Of Potential Fixes + FAQs)

Amazon Prime Video is great because it works on multiple devices, including Samsung TVs, but are you having issues with Prime Video not working on your Samsung TV and want to fix it quickly?

Well, I’ve been researching this topic and have found some of the best potential fixes for this problem, so continue reading to find out more!

Why Is Prime Video Not Working On MySamsung TV In 2025?

The best way to fix the Amazon Prime Video not working on your Samsung TV is to clear the app cache which you can do by turning off the television, pressing “Home” on the remote, going to“Settings”, then selecting “System Apps” in 2025. From there,  select Prime Video and then clear the app cache and press confirm.

Do you want to know more potential fixes for Prime Video not working on your Samsung TV? If so, continue reading below!

How Do I Get My Prime Video to Work on My Samsung TV?

Here are a few suggestions as to how to get your Prime Video to work on your Samsung TV:

1. Check Your Internet Connection & Reboot

Internet connection issues are a common problem for electronics, so one great and easy fix, if Prime Video isn’t working with your Samsung TV, is to check your Internet connection.

Additionally, you may want to reboot your wireless router by turning it off for 30 seconds, plugging it back in, and seeing if your Prime Video app now works.

2. Unplug & Replug The Ethernet Cable Back In

Sometimes the issue is that the Ethernet cable is loose, which could cause connection issues and could cause Prime Video to not work on your Samsung TV.

To fix this issue, just unplug the Ethernet cable from your Samsung TV and router, wait 30 seconds, plug it back in, and make sure it fits securely.

3. Clear Memory on the Samsung TV

Memory issues and glitches can happen to any device, which could cause Prime Video to stop working, so you’ll need to clear the memory from the TV to fix it.

Additionally, if you’re someone who watches Prime Video a lot, you may have to clear the TV memory at least once a week to keep it running smoothly.

4. Uninstall Unwanted Apps From Your Samsung TV

Unwanted apps can hog memory and cause problems and could lead to Prime Video not working on your Samsung TV.

Therefore, a great fix would be to get rid of any unwanted apps from the Samsung TV so it’s not using any memory or running and giving you glitches on Prime Video.

5. Uninstall & Reinstall Prime Video App

One of the easiest fixes to Prime Video not working on your Samsung TV is to delete the Prime Video app and reinstall it.

Furthermore, it’s easy to uninstall and reinstall Prime Video by following the steps below:

  • Go into “Settings”
  • Find “Application Manager”
  • Select “Prime Video”
  • Select “Uninstall”
  • Reboot your Samsung TV
  • Reinstall the app

Also, uninstalling and reinstalling the app clears out the cache files, which could be leading to your problems, so it’s an easy fix that works more often than it doesn’t!

6. Reboot Samsung TV

6. Reboot Samsung TV Amazon

Rebooting your Samsung TV could fix your issue if you can’t get Prime Video to work, and it’s simple to reboot by following the steps below:

  • Hold the power button on the remote for 5 seconds
  • The television should restart and reboot automatically

However, if you’re still having issues, then you can unplug the television from the wall, wait 2 minutes, plug it back in, and then try to load up Amazon Prime Video.

7. Turn Off Any VPN

Amazon does not allow for someone to be running behind a VPN, even with Prime Video due to geographically restricted content.

Therefore, if you’re having issues with Prime Video, then turn off any VPN that you’re using and try to reload Prime Video again to see if that fixes your problem!

8. Stop Other Active Downloads

If someone in your household is downloading files, especially games on a gaming console or computer, it could lead to Prime Video issues, so stop those downloads.

For example, big game files cause websites and apps to have issues connecting to the wireless network, so loading Prime Video content would be nearly impossible.

9. Prime Video Needs To Be Updated

Prime Video should update automatically, but it’s a good idea to check for updates manually if you’re having issues with it not working on your Samsung TV.

To update Prime Video on your Samsung TV, just follow the steps below:

  • Press “Home” on your remote
  • Go to “Apps”
  • Select “Amazon Prime Video”
  • Select “Settings”
  • Make sure Auto Update is enabled
  • Once that’s enabled, any app update will download and install automatically

10. Update Samsung TV

Similarly, you may need to check to see if your Samsung TV firmware and software need to be updated if you’re unable to get Prime Video to work properly.

For this, you’ll need to go into the “Settings” then go into “Support” find “Software Update” and then select “Update” to begin the Samsung TV update process.

How Do I Clear The Cache On My Samsung Smart TV?

If Amazon Prime Video is not working on your Samsung TV, we suggest clearing the app cache, which can be done by following the steps found below:

  • Press “Home” on the remote
  • Select “Settings”
  • Select “Apps”
  • Then Select “System Apps”
  • Find the “Prime Video” app
  • Select “Clear Cache”
  • Click “OK” to confirm

Will These Prime VIdeo Fixes Work On All Samsung TVs?

All of the above Prime Video potential fixes will work on Samsung TVs regardless of the model, but the process for certain fixes, such as clearing app cache, could vary slightly by model year.

To know more, you can also read our posts on Amazon Prime complaints, what is an Amazon Prime Video PIN, and Amazon Prime cancellation policy.


There are several reasons why Prime Video isn’t working on a Samsung TV, including that you need to clear the app cache, update the Prime Video app, or your connection is interrupted.

Additionally, you may need to update the firmware on your Samsung TV since outdated software causes issues. However, you may also need to try rebooting your Samsung TV or reinstalling Prime Video.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of QuerySprout.com.

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