How Many Products Does Walmart Sell? (Mind Blowing)

Walmart is at the top of the charts when it comes to retail sales. Competing with Amazon for the highest store sales and number of products, Walmart is still tough to beat with its variety of items.

So, a common question might be- exactly how many products does Walmart sell? If you’d like to find out, keep reading to see what I found out!

How Many Products Does Walmart Sell In 2025?

Walmart sells millions of products in a huge variety of categories, ranging from groceries to shampoo in 2025. The actual number is close to 160 million although it changes all of the time. While Walmart sells so many products on paper, Walmart’s actively sold products number is somewhat smaller due to sold-out products at any given time.

For more interesting facts about Walmart’s products, both in stores and online, keep reading for more useful information!

How Many Products Does Walmart Sell in Brick And Mortar Stores?

While Walmart lists products for sale in the millions, in any given store location, the actual number of items on the shelves will be much less.

Actually, the number of products available on store shelves will be approximately 120,000 items of varying categories.

It’s worth noting, however, that while this number is significantly lower than the number of products that Walmart claims to sell, the difference has a great deal to do with the fact that e-commerce is a huge percentage of total sales for Walmart.

In addition, while the number of products on shelves is 120,000, the store will carry a large quantity of inventory in the back in storage to replace items as they leave shelves.

How Many Products Does Walmart Sell Online?

Like many retail giants, Walmart’s online sales have grown exponentially in recent years.

More and more shoppers prefer the ease and convenience of placing an order on Walmart’s website or app, as opposed to visiting a physical store location.

The actual number of products sold online by Walmart totals close to 160 million items, which is an increase of 21 million products from what it was not long ago.

As well, while the majority of sales at Walmart still happen in brick and mortar stores, there has been a huge increase in online sales in the past couple of years.

In the past two years, online sales for Walmart have jumped over 80%. Several factors have driven this tremendous growth throughout 2020- 2025.

As well, one cannot overlook the simple fact that shopping online is increasingly popular overall, and Walmart in particular has made great strides with its website and app.

It’s not hard to predict that the trend of growing online sales will continue in the years to come at Walmart.

Stores can only carry a limited amount of product inventory, whereas online shopping does not create that problem.

Which Category of Products Are Walmart’s Top Sellers?

With all of the items available to buy at Walmart, it’s slightly amusing that the number one product bought at Walmart is bananas.

As a category, food seems to be the biggest seller at Walmart overall, with more people using the Walmart grocery pickup service than any other grocery store.

Besides groceries, customers regularly shop for fitness equipment, children’s toys, containers for storage, and coffee makers, as well as other kitchen appliances at Walmart.

Electronics are another hot item for sale at Walmart, with televisions and laptop computers being especially high on the list of best-selling products.

Is Walmart the Most Successful Retail Store?

Is Walmart the Most Successful Retail Store?

Other retail giants routinely compete for top spot, but the fact remains that Walmart normally heads the list of the most successful retailers.

Other companies that often try to edge out Walmart include Amazon, Kroger, and Costco. But most of the time, they fail to reach the same percentages of sales as Walmart.

Some of the reasons for Walmart’s success is the way the company has effectively kept costs low, the simple system used for distribution, and the way it works with manufacturers.

Also, the sheer volume of products Walmart offers for sale must be a factor too.

How Many Suppliers Does Walmart Use?

The products made for Walmart come from hundreds of sources around the country and worldwide.

Walmart states that they work with over 100,000 businesses around the globe as the company’s supply team.

There are strict guidelines for becoming a Walmart supplier, including no bribery or other unlawful activity, Respectful work environment, and fair wages for workers.

Together, these suppliers produce and supply to Walmart the millions of products that the company in turn offers for sale.

How Many Walmart Stores Are in the US?

Walmart began in the United States, and continues to remain a thriving presence across the country. Currently, there are nearly 5,000 Walmart stores in America.

There are nearly 4,000 supercenter stores and the rest are the smaller, more traditionally sized Walmarts.

The states with the most Walmarts are Texas, with over 600 Walmart stores, followed by Florida, with almost 400 stores (in fact, the busiest Walmart in the country is located in the Miami area).

California also has hundreds of Walmarts, with 320 stores in total.

In the US, 90% of the population lives within ten miles of a Walmart, good news for anyone needing the convenience and low prices that Walmart offers!

Which Country Has the Most Walmart Stores?

While other countries have thousands of Walmart locations, the fact remains that the United States has the most Walmart store locations.

However, Mexico is second place with nearly 2,500 store locations.

Worldwide, there are a total of 11,443 Walmarts as of 2025. Walmart is found in India, Chile, South Africa and beyond. 

To know more about Walmart, you can also see our posts on who makes Great Value products for Walmart, when does Walmart restocks, and if Walmart is a supermarket.


Altogether, Walmart sells over 160 million different products online and in stores. While the majority of its store business continues to be in brick and mortar stores, Walmart’s online presence continues to grow and thrive.

Walmart is a retail force that continues as a top seller worldwide. Globally, Walmart has made its mark in such countries as Mexico, Canada, South Africa, India and many more.

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Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of

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