Family Dollar Complaints (How to Make One, Common Types of Complaints + More)

Family Dollar is another popular low-price retailer that many shoppers use as their go-to neighborhood store for many necessities as well as gifts, toys, and holiday decorations.

However, there are times when customers aren’t satisfied with the quality of the products or encounter some other problem. There are a number of ways in which shoppers can file complaints for Family Dollar to resolve its problems, so read for more facts!

Family Dollar Complaints In 2024

Shoppers at Family Dollar can file complaints and provide feedback in a number of ways. They can call Customer Service at 1-866-377-6420 or 1-844-636-7687 or use the online contact form to make a complaint in 2024. They can also write to the Regional Manager or the Family Dollar corporate headquarters to resolve problems.

To find out more about making a complaint at Family Dollar, carry on reading for tons of helpful information below!

How Do I Make a Complaint About Family Dollar?

Shoppers who need to make a complaint about their experience at Family Dollar stores or online can do so in a number of different ways.

If it’s a problem you encounter in a store while shopping, you can speak with a supervisor on the spot to see if they can help you.

If that doesn’t help resolve your problem, or you have a problem with online shopping, you can call the complaint number for Customer Service at 1-866-377-6420 or 1-844-636-7687.

If you have a lot of details or prefer to put them in writing, you can use the online contact form on the Family Dollar website to make a complaint.

You can also contact Family Dollar on its social media pages:

If you don’t get a satisfactory response, you can write a letter to the Regional Manager for your branch, or contact Family Dollar Corporate Headquarters.

What Are Common Types of Complaints at Family Dollar?

Shoppers in Family Dollar stores may encounter problems with a number of issues, such as the following:

  • In-store shopping experience
  • Checkout and returns
  • Methods of payment
  • Product quality and inventory
  • Rudeness
  • Cleanliness of stores
  • Product safety and recalls

Online shoppers at Family Dollar may also have problems such as:

  • Payments and checkout
  • Returns
  • Wrong products being shipped
  • Broken or defective products
  • Delivery
  • Product quality and availability

Family Dollar Associates may have to report problems like violations of the Family Dollar Code of Conduct.

Shoppers and Associates at Family Dollar have a number of ways in which to file complaints about these and any other issues.

What Is the Corporate Phone Number for Family Dollar?

What Is the Corporate Phone Number for Family Dollar?

The number for the Family Dollar corporate headquarters is 1-800-547-0359. The address is 10401 Monroe Road (PO Box 1017), Charlotte, NC 28201.

Family Dollar is owned by Dollar Tree, and Michael A. Witynski is the President and Chief Executive Officer. Bob Sasser is the Executive Chairman.

Who Is the Regional Manager for Family Dollar?

If your problem cannot be resolved by customer service, you can contact the Regional Director. The listed name for Regional Director of Family Dollar is Genny Arndt.

How Do I Provide Feedback to Family Dollar?

If you don’t have a complaint about Family Dollar, but just want to provide feedback, you can use the company’s online form.

You can provide feedback on topics such as:

  • In-store transactions
  • Coupons
  • Gift cards and prepaid cards
  • Store maintenance and operations
  • Products and inventory
  • Online ordering

How Do I Report Violations of the Family Dollar Code of Conduct?

Family Dollar has a Code of Conduct that all Associates must follow to maintain standards of honesty and integrity.

Violations of the Code of Conduct can be reported to a supervisor or to the Human Resources Service Center, Internal Audit, or the Legal Department.

Human Resources Service Center: 1-800-547-0359, extension 5863 or 5851

Internal Audit: 1-800-547-0359

Legal Department: 1-800-547-0359

Violations can also be reported anonymously on the Alert line at 1-800-932-5378.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on Family Dollar shoplifting policy, does Dollar Tree own Family Dollar, and Family Dollar sick day policy.


Family Dollar shoppers have a number of ways to resolve any problems they may encounter. Starting with a store supervisor, you ask for help in resolving the issue in a number of ways.

You can call customer service for help, or use the online contact form on the Family Dollar site. You can also contact the regional manager or Family Dollar corporate offices with your problem.

Photo of author

Marques Thomas

Marques Thomas graduated with a MBA in 2011. Since then, Marques has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Marques is also the head writer and founder of

28 thoughts on “Family Dollar Complaints (How to Make One, Common Types of Complaints + More)”

  1. I was in Your store 3/5/22 with my daughter, the Cashier started to check us out and then HAD THE EVILEST AND VILE ATTITUDE, We Visit this store Always. The Manager Terrell was just as bad! Help Plz. I’m in Awe and don’t know why we were BANNED. Other Family Dollar Stores in town told me to be careful and contact corporate due to them getting swamped because customers prefer to go out of their way to avoid this store. This Employee even Taunted and laughed at me over the phone when I called the next Day REALLY? I also have a Picture of her FLIPPING ME THE BIRD WOW… I’ve never been treated this way EVER AND FOR THE MANAGER TO TAKE HER SIDE AND HUNG UP ON ME ALSO. WHAT A SHAME! PLZ PLZ HELP ME GET THIS COMPLAINT IN THE RIGHT HANDS. Thank You

  2. I was in the family dollar store in Franklin La. I asked why the prices on the shelves were saying one thing, but at the register u get charged another price. The guy said, well everything went up, so change sign to correct price. He claim , they’re b working on it, from what I see , they aren’t doing their job, putting the right price so customers know what they are paying. That’s wrong, talking bout the manager will be back soon, she not doing her job, somebody need to straighten this problem out,I saw one price and paid another,I kept my receipt, sign said one dollar for the three items I purchased, but charged $1.25, point is charge the signs, I know things have gone up, but they need to change all the signs where the price has changed

  3. Nothing ever gets done about these family dollars bc no one ever goes to corporate ever! You have to stay in then and make multiple complaints! I work for one in Maine and I absolutely hate it! I’ve never been at some low budget store in my life! They treat their employees like crap and their customers even worse!! The only way to do anything about this is to call you local bed of buis bureau!! If you take the time to file a complaint with them then something will be done! Good luck!

  4. So Apparently if the product you purchased,is an electronic item even chargers.You can’t return them,if they don’t work it can’t be opened or anything.I purchased a charger didnt work,return it to the store.I was told they couldn’t take it back or anything because it was opened.So I’m out of $15 for a charger that I couldn’t return because it was opened How else would you know it works if it isn’t opened? It was in his original box and everything.Had the receipt also.So while everyone is getting their money the customers lose their money..The employee was very rude and rolling his eyes the whole time during this situation.The manager saying doesn’t just saying if we take it back we lose money.So the customer is pretty much out of luck,if u buy anything electronic from Faimly dollar and it doesn’t work..This is spronglake,nc ray road! As someone who works in retail I NEVER seen this before ever!

  5. The family dollar in Aurora, CO is by far the worst in the nation! The store manager is a punk kid who has a terrible attitude and refuses to work. Every time I’m in there he’s standing around playing vulgar music very loud. Most days the store hours are 11am-7pm. Plenty of staff. He said last week he would go back to normal hours on Sunday. Sunday comes around and he didn’t open the store till 11am. It was 42 degrees outside and he said it was to cold to open normal. Seriously man dude is a terrible employee. He seems to be the type that just wants the title of manager. I can’t tell you how many times I go over for something I need at 6pm and surprise surprise they’re closed. Lately I don’t even try anymore I just go to Walmart, at least they’re open normal hours every day. It seems to be a bunch of kids running the place who all want to be thugs and cuss and play loud rap music and if you say one thing about it he says this is my store I run the show. Ok dude. You guys have gone downhill so fast since he took over. Definitely not a family friendly store.

  6. I bought a Universal Remote Control at the Family Dollar Store in Portland Tennessee and when I got it home, IT WOULDN’T WORK my husband takes it back to the store for me, in the package that it came out of (with the receipt).. but they wouldn’t give us a refund because the package had been opened… LOL … HOW ELSE CAN A PERSON FIND OUT IF IT WORKS OR NOT?????!!!??? DUHHHH .. I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!! I don’t want to exchange it for ANOTHER Cheap remote control that doesn’t work. NEVER had this happen to me before! What A SCAM!!

  7. Stopped at #08601 she rang me up speaking to the manager the whole time I put my ATM card it it asked me to remove my card I did and was walking out when the manager yelled at me I did not pay for my merchandise I said I did she asked me to produce a receipt very unpleasant & unprofessional

  8. I was in the family dollar in steubenville and I walked thier from another store so I had a couple bags with me when I got to family dollar. So I asked the clerk if I can put them behind the counter so I can do some shopping. Of course she said yes. I left my stuff with her and with in 3 minutes she gave my bag to someone else and when asked her about it she realised that she let that person take my stuff.i had the police come and filled a report and I want to press charges. The police officer said that the detectives will watch the video. And today the store manager said she is not going to do anything about it..and they wont show the video what do I do

  9. I go in there regularly, everyone speaks Spanish, until I leave. I hear them chatting away in English when I’m out the door. It sets me free! Got a coffee pot there, it worked for 10 days. Of course I didn’t keep the receipt or the box. The snotty little manager refered me to corporate, we shall see what happens next. There was coffee and boiling water all over kichen cabinets and floor! Even tried a 2nd time in case I did something wrong. All I can do is call corporate! Going to MISS them, especially with dollar tree’s limited merchandise.???! Lost the# she gave me had physical therapy right after. Also when I first went in on Saturday the girls assured me I could get it exchanged! NOT!

  10. 25th Ave and Van Buren Family Dollar store last week would not allow me to purchase Petobismal unless I had .02 cents. Later that week a customer stated an associate allowed her to leave being $1.00 short. Reported my issues to Manager Richard. He thought the issue was funny, I asked him why the discrepancy? Plus the same cashier used her cell phone? While taking her time to count my money while scanning the money with her personal mobile phone Sawanata, or Samantha Chicano, or Native American Cashier. Today 4/5/2022 upon entering the store approximately at 9 PM the EXACT Cashier, demanded that I have the 2 cents, and used her personal mobile phone to take her time to scan my money and count the change. Informed me this evening. “YOU CAN NOT ENTER THIS STORE AGAIN!” I asked “WHY” Sawantha stated, “Because you are RUDE to all the Employees!” Taking into consideration I’ve been a resident in this community for 58 years, and a shopper at this particular store since it opened, NEVER EVER a problem until Richard became the Manager. I’ve witnessed customers coming in Stealing… Richard does nothing! But as soon as a long-time formally educated Master’s Degree Graduate complains about how I’ve experienced Horrible customer service? NOW, the store is using its rights to decline services to a lawful, abiding, and courtesy educated consumer? The Family Dollar Store should FIRE Richard and his cashier Sawantha ( samantha)… they desire to keep the petty thieves while revolking services to great customers who complain? while homeless are robbing them blind! AWEFUL I’ve experienced great customer service from the prior Family Dollar stores’ management and associated until Richard was hired and now he should be trained properly or TERMINATED! I do not feel safe going to this store so it may be ‘Devine Intervention’ That this rude Cashier denied my entrance and stated verbatim. “Richard Told Me Not To Allow You Into This Store!” This store does not value constructive feedback, and denies consumers who complain… FIRE RICHARD IMMEDIATELY!

  11. That’s true I bought a burner from that did not work was told by manager Joseph could not return it due to they had a lot of theft. In the store,family dollar hull st rd. In Richmond, va and was told if it did not fit my Bluetooth that i purchased from Joseph for my phone just keep the receipt to no availability it did not work,and just today once again Joseph had a complaint with me said he saw me in the store drinking milk in the isle I’m lactose plus when i asked him what was he suggesting the only answer i got was the store had a lot of theif. SMH

  12. I loved shopping at Family dollar until recently. The staff are to busy talking to each other and act as if you are bothering them if you ask them a question. They don’t realize that the customers are the one’s who keep them in a job and keep the doors open. Many times if you go by the store they are standing outside smoking or talking with friends or family. I worked for Family Dollar years ago and I always put the customer first. They had time to talk among themselves but I didn’t appreciate the attitudes. One was sitting behind the counter eating something on a plate. So sad how these young people disrespect customers.

  13. In my neighborhood family dollar. Every time I go in it’s like marijuana is being smoked inside the store and I frequent the store at least 3 times a week. I’m not a fan of it and I’m sure I’m not the only person who feel’s that way. One top of that My mom is
    an elderly person who can’t never use the disabled or handicapped parking because the employees are always parked in front of the store and in a place where I’m supposed to park. The parking lot is in need of repair from dips and dodging holes. It’s one thing after another at this store and another close by. Can someone do something about this. Store #06487……please help

  14. The family dollar in st.johnsbury Vermont has a new manager the store is a total disaster always my daughter and I noticed someone stole several candles leaving the packaging behind over a month ago mentioned it to the manager and as of yesterday they are still there the employees and manager are ALWAYS hanging by the registers having a great old time but never working aisles are all a mess nothing faced on shelves stuff all over the floor etc. Also I have stopped twice once at 8:45-once at 8:40 and the doors were locked already with employees all huddled by register looking at me at door with blank expressions suppose to close at nine it’s really terrible and the manager seems to be there for a paycheck with minimal work involved

  15. I was in store #06705 Harmony hwy harmony NC on Sunday 5-8-2022 mother’s day and this is the 3rd time I have had problems out of the same manger flowing me and scanned the camera and I have never gave them a reason to be that way to me all because of her man talked to one day when I asked for her name she refused to give it to me and told me I’m banned like I told her she can’t banned me the law has to and cussing me in front of the other people I told her no matter what that the customers is always right and it’s against the law to Horace people like she did she does when I seen someone steeling right in front of her you really need to get her before you have a law suit on you.thank u

  16. I am a customer who used to be an employee at a family Dollar on West broad Street and Wayne avenue and Columbus Ohio the managers there for one are very highly highly disrespectful rude calling people names cussing at people all kinds of stuff and then the store manager the general manager is always having her mother there either doing drugs in the bathroom or in the back with a cameras counting the money or just washing the cameras. Or helping her count the money or in the parking lot doing drugs or a shift manager doing drugs and her boyfriend’s cars and cussing people out every time they come through the door calling them names and they keep aisles blocked off because they won’t stop at all so if there is a fire nobody can get out people would be killed if there’s a fire because they keep the aisles secured it’s all bad and it’s nasty it’s dirty and a lot of people like me are very uncomfortable going there because people don’t know how to be a manager and have respect they’re very disrespectful it’s above and beyond terrible there I don’t know who else to contact so I need your help and they’re saying that I can’t shop there because somebody asked me a question why I quit and I gave them an answer of why and the manager Michelle is the reason that I quit and now all of a sudden I can’t come in there because I answered their question that’s not right all I do is go in there I shop and I leave I don’t try to make conversation and this person had the nerve to ask me what the hell was going on and I told them and now I’m not allowed back in there I didn’t do nothing wrong so will you get this I need contacted

  17. OMG tell me about it,

    Cashier name :Maria
    I just wanna start off saying, I have worked in retail and customer service industry for a long time visual coordinator to be exact.

    The family dollar store is my neighbor store.I have been shopping there over 20 years.. I’m a value customer. Never once I have been treated like this.

    June 6,
    I went shopping to get my dog doggy pad and food. I went to pay for my items I put my credit card in. The device told me to wait for the cashier to respond.As I’m waiting for The cashier was on the phone while working. To make a long story short. I told her can you please make two transactions.Keep in mind there are three other customers with one items a piece.Cashier replied “I can’t do that can you come back tomorrow”I said “I have work tomorrow it’s OK there’s nobody here at the store beside three of the customer With one items.I said “take your time”.She threatened me to call the cops. I was so confused.I looked at the customer and I apologize to them for holding up the line. I stepped aside the cashier did not acknowledging me tho, I was the first one in line.At this point no one is in the store, just her and I.I asked her to delete the items and redo it please.In Retrospect, she double my Purchases.Honestly what matters The most to me.I’ve never got an apology.I’m only doing this is because I don’t want anyone to go through It Seems petty overall is the principal.So mad
    Thank you
    Ps.Ps I have videos how it went down

  18. I am a long time shopper at 8155 in Jacksonville Florida. Last year they hired a woman that made all the customers smile. They would play s game with her asking where something was located in the store. She could tell you the aisle, how far down the aisle, what shelf and mist of the time the price. She was so energetic and a hard worker. This year the sm left and the assistant ran the store for almost 3 months. She was always there working. She said she was hoping to take it over and we all knew she deserved it. It was given to a friend of the DM. And now the hard working lady doesn’t work there anymore. The new sm is rude and disrespectful to her employees and the customers. She closes the store at 8 everynight! She doesn’t do her job. Get the hard working lady back. That stors needs her! She was never closed and the store always looked good

  19. Store #08997 on 6/25/2022 @ 13:56:25, Detroit Michigan on Grandriver and Lasher.. The Manager there is extremely rude. The store is filthy and items everywhere. After she rudely and nasty said something rolling her eyes, all I said to her you have a very nasty disposition her response was ” I said the same thing when I woke up this morning about you”, I said to her that she shouldn’t talk to paying customers and her response was ” then don’t come back”. This could have turned out very seriously and deadly if it was someone else.. Get rid of that manager before something happens and this company gets sued..

  20. My wife was in the st.pauls,NC. Store last night about 30 min before they made the announcement they were closing soon she was grabbing some toilet paper the family dollar Associate Carlos decides to grab my wife’s buggy with her purse in it and the thing she was buying then at the register he called her a bitch and acted like he was going to attack her he is lucky I wasn’t there I’m going to go up there and have a talk with him about disrespect this is unacceptable I can tolerate a lot of things but this is not one of them my wife came home in tears and shaking if im writing to yall you should know it’s bad boycott family dollar

  21. Store #06644 in Belleville WI USED to be a nice store. Shelves always stocked friendly employees and clean environment. In the last year or so the store is very poorly kept up. The employees could care less if your there and the shelves are bare. Can’t even get certain cereal, toothpaste, etc. Just empty shelves. Will start shopping elsewhere now and I’m sure it won’t take long for this store to close.

  22. What is the store policy for taking shopping carts to the car to unload groceries? I am an elderly woman and physically would not be able to do as the store checkout clerk advised me ;take them out one bag at a time. I had about 12 bags. If this is store policy it should be visibly posted. He asked the other idle clerk if she wanted to help me and she graciously did . This is outrageous.

  23. I was a former manager I been with company for 19 years I never had any problems with anything or no one but last two years has been hell I have ask for help when I couldn’t get no one hired I ask if someone could help me out penlty of time I lost two weeks of vocation time every year because no one would help I try takeing a week off to spend with my husband but I was told no overtime allowed I don’t understand how a manager can take a vocation due to no overtime someone got to do mangers hours and if you can’t get other stores to help then your screwed I’m lost almost three weeks this year because we move in a new store with no help just me and one assistant and a stocker that stayed on after we moved in I ask for help but most of the time I was being ignored well two weeks after we moved in my DM piss my assistant off and made her walk out so that then only left me to run a new bigger store by myself I ask for help but kept getting ignored so I ran a new store by myself do to no staff but cooperate didn’t know because I had all these name in my time system that don’t work there to show I had poeple but I didn’t have no one but myself and one stocker that don’t run register I work every day 8:30. -1030 on register 13hour shift except for Tuesday and Wednesday I put in more hours I put in 100 hours a week with no day off because of no help I did that for a whole month I gave this company 200 hours for free of my time just to keep a new store open I was told I was stupid for doing it for a company that don’t care but I was so dedicated to my job I ask for help to get a day off nothing I even ask my DM if I could close a hour or two early because I wasn’t feeling good working three weeks straight with no day off for 830 to 10:30 can put a toll on your body when I ask she said she had to ask Anthony but apparently she didn’t ask so I stayed to 1030 since I didn’t hear anything I miss two important doctors appointments because of no help I came close of walking out I told another manager form another store and she called Anthony and he had me open at 11 am and closing at 8 pm
    I couldn’t hire anyone because I was stuck up on register and office is way in the back of store I couldn’t watch the front of the store because the cameras in office wasn’t working when I had to go to bathroom I had to wait till all the customers was out of store to lock the doors so I could go because it was just me in that big store no help then I did finally got a assistant that got transfer and a cashier form another store I ask my Dm if I could get someone to help to get some of my vocation in before I lose all of them because here it was end of July and all I was told Is I need to hire another assistant first here it is august I feel like I was not being treated right since I moved in this new store Dm ignored me I ask her if she had a problem with me because every time I ask a question or for help she ignored me I told her there to much favoritism in this company some get what they want or need but others get screwed and I was getting screwed
    Just this week Saturday I told her if that’s what she wants I’ll turn my keys in on Monday we’ll Monday came around I wasn’t going to leave but she text me and wanted to know about my
    Resignation???? So I didn’t open store on time I sat in office and wrote my two weeks took a picture and sent to her and said here you got what you wanted then she said she will send it up and I will see my two weeks out I didn’t like her attitude towards me so at the end of my first week I quit on Saturday august 20th then on Monday she text me and said if I don’t finish my two weeks I will not be rehire able I told her it is what it is
    I’m not saying and being treated like crap I done nothing wrong I kept a good store and never had anything problems I never called out in the 19 years I worked I always went above and beyond my expectations and always had everything done and I get treated like crap I didn’t want to leave but I wasn’t going to keep getting treated like I was I never got credit or appreciated for keep a store open even though it put a toll on me and my family while some of the others store were shut down do to no manager and staff but I couldn’t shut down or closed early so I had to suffer and couse my family to suffer to just because I was to dedicated to my store I just want to say think for the 19 years working for this company I hate to see it had to turn out like this but I can’t be treated the way I been treated in the pass two years no one would listen to me anyways and lose all my vocation time for this year wasn’t right because no one would help I had customer tell me that it’s a shame I have to go and it won’t be the same with you not being around and that the store will never be the same because I kept a good running store I just wanted to let you know that I love working in my store but I can’t keep doing what I been going Thur and it’s a shame I was push out and it had to end like this

  24. Let me start by saying my husband has been in hospital since Monday and as I customer that has shopped at this store since it was built I am very disgusted. I ran in to Family Dollar 8403 in Jacksonville Florida on New Berlin Rd after working 8 hours on my way to hospital to get dry shampoo since my husband is in hospital and when I took purchase to counter I was told it was a recalled item and they couldnt sell it so I went back and picked up another brand to be told same thing it was a recalled item and they couldnt sell it. Mind you Im tired, in a hurry and theses items are on the shelf for sale with the rest of the shampoo products. I asked to speak to manager to which in a snide remark I get I am the manager so I explained Im in a hurry and dont have time so can someone help me she points to a guy that I have never seen before and when I tell him I need dry shampoo his reply is whats that. I said its what you use when you cant wash your hair to which his reply was I dont use it I take showers. My husband is laid up in a hospital bed and there are some of the rudest noncaring people I have ever dealt with. So I found a 3rd brand of dry shampoo and guess what recalled cant sell it. I have been dealing with this store a long time and never have I dealt with the rude snotty people I dealt with on this trip. The comment that he took showers about made me go off the deep end if my husband could get up to wash his hair I wouldnt need dry shampoo but most of all its on your shelf 3 brands of it but cant be sold because its recalled and only after I stand in line is this known. Something needs done if thats your manager she needs to be retrained as I managed a retail store for 20 years and the solution is not Oh well I cant do anything. Please call me immediately 904-732-0233. This has been filed with consumer affairs and the BBB as your employees were rude and disrespectful over something that was the fault of your employees which I do not appreciate. Also If that manager is in the store I will make sure I scrutinize everything in store to treat her how she treated me. This is not the usually manager I have never seen her before and when I asked for the number to head office she handed me my receipt that has this stores phone number on it

  25. I’m having a problem getting ahold of family Dollar story main office or the complaint website. And you sure can forget about getting someone on the phone to talk with. I have a return policy they have that is NOT POSTED ANYWHERE INSIDE THE STORE OR OUTSIDE THE STORY. I bought a sync and charger micro USB cable on the night of November 1st and tried to return it the very very next morning with a receipt. The one I bought the night before didn’t fit my phone so I had no use for it. I went to get the one that did fit my phone I’m pretty sure because I noticed it had c type on it. I’m not very up to date on all this sync and charger stuff. I just wanted something to charge my phone. It was the same identical idea but was a c type on and it was 2 dollars more. They told me I could not get a exchange r refund on the one I bought the night before even with my receipt. I could only get the same one in sxchange. Now a person with there receipt is normal able to get a refund or exchange the item and pay the difference. I have never heard of no one with a receipt being told they could not get a refund or exchange something before in my life. They said store policy.. well if it’s store policy it needs to be clearly posted inside and outside or out the check out. They did not have one thing telling you that you could not get a refund or exchange anything with or without a receipt. This makes me mad as heck and very disappointed in our retail community. Something needs to be done and done immediately. Now I’m stuck with something I can not use at all, out of the money I spent, and can not get ahold of anyone to report this problem to and demand my money back. I would have got the one that fit and paid the difference but after all this I will not ever give that company one red cent of my money. To me they are just like a thief. They keep your money even if you have a receipt and won’t give it back, because they have hidden store policies. Which I believe that store policy is the dumbest one I have heard of. If a person has a receipt and the product is not damage you should be able to a full refund. The only thing with my was the box it came in, it was torn open so I could get it out, when placed in the spot you put a charger in your phone it would not fit. So it was not used and placed back in the box immediately to return the next day. I want and need to know how to get ahold of the right person to report this, get my money back and tell them they need to post this return policy throughout the stores. This is not the way to run a business. I will speak to everyone I know about this, post comments everywhere about what they have done that I possibly can, and never shop at a family dollar story as long as I live. If anyone knows how to get ahold of the right person I need to get ahold could you please leave me a comment. Thank you very much. Family Dollar Stores are the worse store ever. Not to mention the manger of that store was not willing to help out with a contact number, name of a person, non his name. And telling his other employees what was going on and they had to make comments about how I needed to talk. Yes they finally got me to the point a was using bad words but not the really bad ones and I believe it was the word damn. But that is not the point he was unwilling to give information on how to get ahold of a manger, give his name, or where I could report this problem. Yes I got mad after all that. He just kept saying I am the manger. I told him I wanted someone to talk with or how to get ahold of someone over his head. Again I’m the manger is all he would tell me.

  26. Store 10858 in Harrisonburg VA, where do I start? First of all that Store Manager needs to go. She clearly has something against the hispanic community and it is disgusting. Her employees do more work than she ever does because all she does is talk and run back and forth doing nothing, insulting others. The other girl is there way more than her why not give her the position and the pay if she is just going to be doing her job anyway. The drug use in this area is BAD and you all have workers there ALONE which should be a violation of the safety policy. If you can not protect your employees properly you need to change your hours. Make sure they are given breaks because it appears they never get one and by law they should be allowed 30 minutes and if you can not accommodate that SOMEHOW, why are you open? You are clearly using these people.

  27. I was in your Family dollar location on March 8 2023. The time was 1:29. I came to the location to buy plastic utensils and ramen noodles for my students. When I realized the store didn’t have the Ramen noodles my students liked, I walked back over to the aisle I got the plastic utensils from. Then I proceeded to leave. Once I got to the door I was approached by an associate named Anthony. He stated that I needed to put back the item I stole. I explained to him that I had not taken anything. Anthony then proceeded to tell me then go get the item I had with me the first time. I explained to him that I would not, and that your company had working cameras, and he could see that I’ve taken nothing. Anthony then said that would take too long for him to look at, and I need to just go grad the item and show him. After Anthony continue to humiliate me by asking to go get the item he saw me have, I told him I would like to speak to him supervisor. Anthony then said he was the supervisor, and that I needed to leave. I told Anthony I would leave as soon as I talk to someone from corporate. He then told me he was over the situation, and if I didn’t buy anything I was trespassing and need to leave. When another customer came to the register he proceeded to tell that customer I was tripping. The customer then sided with Anthony and said did he want him to call someone to make me leave. I continue to tell Anthony that I’ve done nothing wrong and I wanted to wait to talk to another supervisor to tell them the situation. Anthony then went towards to back to grad another associate name Dana and tell her I was tripping. I also let her know the situation, and explained that I was trying to get a hold of a supervisor by phone to tell them the situation. Anthony then became even more irate and demanded that I leave very aggressively. I would like to talk to someone immediately about the situation that has taken place at your store. This experience has called me great stress and your store. Sincerely Brielle T

  28. On March 29,2023 I’m in family dollar shopping while on FaceTime with my girlfriend the manager had a nasty attitude because his line was wrap around the store.I ask him can he call for help he said there’s no one here but me he was using profanity and we got into a argument which led to him pulling out his gun the police was called and I’ve been trying to reach family Dollar ever since no on will return my phone calls or emails I’m afraid of ever going into another Family Dollar store and I don’t want this to happen to anyone else.I also have a police report

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